On the question of suicide, we have talked about that already: we don't consider the issue to be a real problem now. It may be different later.
On the question of post-traumatic stress, we are currently concerned about the problem of access to specialized clinics. That process is not as open as it could be or should be. As well, communications to promote the services available are not up to the job. People are not aware of the services offered, and that is another problem.
In terms of the bureaucracy and the process, the steps to be followed are already so complicated for someone with all their wits about them, and so it becomes a double challenge for someone suffering from post-traumatic stress.
So these are the three aspects we are focusing on at present.
As I said, we always keep an eye on developments relating to the subjects that concern us. All of the personal complaints that are brought to the front line in our office are assessed. That enables us to detect subjects that are developing systemically, which will be added to our subjects for future study.