Mr. Chair, very quickly, regarding the lump sum, it's a hugely contentious issue. I've stated my belief that it's wrong to hand over a lump sum to an individual. As a retreaded army officer, I would submit that it's wrong to offer a person the choice between a pension and a lump sum.
Throughout my career, I have exercised tough love, and you do what's best for the individual, because, very often, a young soldier coming back from Afghanistan will opt for the cash in hand. So we have to be thinking about that person and the rest of their life; otherwise, they could become a ward of the state as a frail veteran.
The availability of service for veterans is indeed a national problem--and also for civilians. It's very difficult. Many of our veterans want to retire to where they came from and the services just aren't available there. I would submit, however, that Veterans Affairs Canada should take a leadership role in the provision of services, much as it did after World War I and World War II.
Although there was an honourable member of Parliament associated with universal health care, I often say there were veterans hospitals across this country that were providing universal health care, and it was a very easy inference to make that all Canadians should have that. I think Veterans Affairs Canada should be taking a leadership role in trying to improve the services to veterans in remote areas and setting an example for the various provinces that may be having problems in providing health services for our veterans.
And the last question was on PTSD...?