What we're working on in our transformation plan has many different elements, and they are happening at the same time. With respect to reducing our turnaround time on the disability program, in 2011 we added additional staff to make sure we cleared off any backlogs and moved towards reducing our turnaround time. That was a short-term opportunity we had, and at the same time, as we move forward, we're re-engineering the program. By re-engineering the program, that means we're looking at every step, every aspect in terms of people who work on it and how they work on it, and in the course of 2012, we'll have a redesigned program implemented.
With that redesigned program, we'll at the same time be introducing more technology, so some of our paper-based processes will be eliminated. Right now we have steps in the process that aren't going to be required in the future. We have paper-based processes that are fairly manual and require a lot of staff time. So in some cases, we'll be able to reallocate staff to other functions where they're needed more. And over time, with the transformation program there will be an overall reduction as we move forward from the paper-based system to a more technology-based one.