Thank you for the question.
The efforts Veterans Affairs Canada has been making over the last year have been primarily to establish a focus area. My unit, the outreach, consultation, and engagement unit, was established. We work with our colleagues in the field.
We now have a team called community engagement. They're located across the country. This is a relatively new concept within the organization. We have taken some individuals who had other broader responsibilities and we include them in how we are going to develop our strategy for outreach in the future.
Veterans Affairs Canada has done some outreach in the past. What our team is looking to bring is a more integrated and coordinated and strategic approach to how we're going to do those three functions: consultation, outreach, and engagement.
We've been working with the Canadian Forces and National Defence. Over the last year and a half we carried out those information sessions on the bases. We reached a number of individuals, but we know that there's more we can do. The Integrated Personnel Support Centres, which have both Veterans Affairs Canada staff and DND staff, are really helpful in ensuring that we interact with and have an opportunity to inform veterans and serving members of their benefits and services. In addition, what we're looking at doing is working collaboratively with the Canadian Forces to identify other opportunities we can carry out.
One of the examples I'd like to use is the second career assistance network sessions they have on the bases. These are sessions that prepare people who are ready for their departure from the CF. They're retiring. They're releasing. That's a key moment. We can ensure that we have the appropriate information so that they can be informed about the programs and services and can make decisions about what they are planning to do.
Would you like to add something, Krista?