Also, thanks to the DVA for the efforts on the animals in motion tour and the monument with Lloyd Swick.
As well, a couple of requests have been put to the minister in regard to the national cenotaph and trying to put an inclusive phrase on the cenotaph, which is supported by all veterans organizations: “In the service of Canada”. Unfortunately, it wasn't done for this Remembrance Day, but we're hoping that for next time, “In the service of Canada” will be inscribed on our national cenotaph, making it more inclusive to all those who have served in the Boer War, for example, not just in World War II, World War I, Korea, and others.
Also, we're looking for a statuette on the Valiants Memorial for William Hall from Nova Scotia, Canada's first black person to receive the Victoria Cross. You have received correspondence from Senator Meredith, Senator Oliver, me, and others regarding that. If it's possible....
You talked about the earnings loss benefit that has now ceased, as the minister has gone beyond the court case. There is another deduction that's happening that affects many veterans: the Canada pension disability clawback. For members of the military or the RCMP who are medically released, they find themselves on Canada pension disability, but that money is deducted dollar for dollar from their superannuation, much earlier than age 65. They have been asking for many years to have a stop put to this. I was wondering if, at a later time, you could give a written answer to that particular request.
Also, Harold Leduc wrote a response to us regarding the VRAB. We're hoping that the minister will have an opportunity after reading the evidence to respond to his concerns from a ministerial level.
As well, could you advise us in a written response of what the government is doing on homeless veterans?
There are so many other things here, but another one, of course, is that the government announced, through Minister Blaney, an audit on the Sunnybrook concerns, due to all the media reports last week on the Sunnybrook hospital in Toronto. I've just toured the facility and met with all the families. I get two completely different stories. I was hoping that the audit.... Would that be a public audit? Would families of the veterans who are in the hospital be allowed to participate in that audit? Would that be a public audit where we—members of the opposition or government—would have an opportunity to see that audit before it's tabled?
Thank you very much for coming today.
You don't have to respond in kind, but at a later date, if possible.