Overall, we are watching that, and it does vary by program. I think one that's very indicative is the rehab program, where now we have 5,700 veterans who are participating. For that, with the earnings loss that goes along with it, we've seen an increase of about 20%.
Now, there are many factors that bring people into these programs. Some will come to our department through conversations when they release from the military, through transition interviews. They'll be made aware of Veterans Affairs Canada, and they may come into our department quite quickly after they release. Others may release, move on, and then at a future point require the services of Veterans Affairs Canada. Through outreach, they'll become aware of it as well.
The inflow and the increases don't all happen just at the end of an engagement, for instance, such as an engagement in Afghanistan or another similar event. It's not necessarily going to work in a linear fashion, if I could say it that way. What we manage, what we look at, is how many people are accessing our programs. We know that it's increasing by about 20%. I mentioned earlier that the disability pension program continues to see a decline, which is at about the same rate.
I guess to go to your question, it's very important for us to understand this, but at the same time, we need to be looking to the future and trying to determine what the needs will be there. That will bring in potentially a different type of client at different times.