I don't have those numbers. I would have to take a look at them. One of the things is that with the lump-sum payments you're basically prepaying the first 10 years of their benefits. That's where the tipping point comes as far as where you start to save. Normally under a pension scheme you amortize your costs over 60 years, so let's say that you had a 25-year old person, you would have payments over 60 years. If you front-end load, you could have a ballooning in your benefits here.
I think what these soldiers are doing is looking at their lifetime benefits and not their benefits in the first few years of the new Veterans Charter, because obviously if they get a lump sum they are years ahead of a pension program for the first few years.
Once again, I would have to take a look at your numbers to see if you're front-end loading whether this is going to be a long-term benefit to the soldier or just a temporary benefit.