I believe the statement is true; it is actually true.
Let's forget about the lump sum disability award. Everything that is under the new Veterans Charter is not new. It has only been repackaged from SISIP and named new Veterans Charter.
PIA exists in the new Veterans Charter. The Pension Act was EIA. There is nothing that the new Veterans Charter provides that the old system did not. We only repackaged it. Vocational was SISIP; rehabilitation was SISIP. Even pre-2006 I was getting rehabilitation: psychosocial, medical. There is nothing new in the new Veterans Charter that did not exist before.
This is there. The chart that I have provided you shows very clearly that the government states there are 19 pension systems, which should say Pension Act, and 30 services under the new Veterans Charter. When you combine what you could get from the new Veterans Charter from a Pension Act client, you get 34 services under the pension services and only 30 services under the new Veterans Charter. This has significant financial impact in analysis, which we have provided.