I'll try not to take up the entire six minutes but within the NCVA organization we have what is called a legislative agenda. Obviously Mr. Henderson who is vice-chair is very familiar with this. In all the years I've been with the NCVA and the years that Mr. Chadderton was the chairman—I've been the chairman for the last five years—we've had a legislative agenda at our annual meeting, which is brought forward to all our membership. It's based on the input we get from the membership through the year and we adopt that legislative agenda. Of what I presented today 95% was sourced from that legislative agenda. All our member organizations had an opportunity to speak to it at our annual meeting, to amend it, and at the end of the day, adopt it. That is how the NCVA operates.
We have 60 member organizations; we have about 85% attendance at our meetings, which we're quite proud of. We have a very comprehensive protocol as far as our legislative agenda.
As far as prioritization, I must say, first of all I would share again the view that as a veterans consulting group you are probably familiar with the fact that we meet regularly. There are 20 organizations, we're one of them, the other two groups here are part of that group. We meet at the Legion, the Legion hosts the meetings, and we come together and create priorities.
I'm going to say something that is a little different today, which is we have been pursuing three priority issues, which Deanna identified in her submission earlier and I have touched on in my submission. We identified those two years ago. The reason I want to speak to this is that at that point the government was going through an economic recession. The government reaction to a lot of our proposals was that they didn't have the budget for that, they couldn't do that, they had to deal with the budget of the day, the economic crisis of the day. We cooperated to some degree. We limited our priorities to those three. We asked if they could at least do these three right away. We've waited for two years. We've not seen anything come from those three recommendations.
So when I brought my recommendations here today—and I have about 10 on my list if you're counting—it's a new world today. In 2015 we're facing a government that says they're going to have a budget surplus, hopefully the budget will be balanced in 2014. It's a different world. We'd like to get the charter right. We're a little tired of the one-off solutions of Bill C-55. Bill C-55. was an attempt to at least give the veterans a little something to placate them. It wasn't nearly sufficient. It didn't nearly address the proposals that were on the table. The Legion groups do have priorities, we do support them, but I would like to think your committee would go beyond that. I'd like to get this right. Let's get the charter right. We've had eight years to do it, let's get it right and stop doing incremental changes. That's my view on your questions.
Thank you.