There are what we call local initiatives. In Valcartier, the brigade there has all kinds of initiatives that they've built and have in position. They've been really proactive with a lot of things that go on. Other bases like Petawawa and Gagetown are big army units, but the people are changing all the time. When I was working for OSISS, I would go see the new base commander, and I'd get a chance to brief him and make my inroads. Then two years later I would start all over again. Even at the upper levels of DND, I think a lot of the leadership isn't aware exactly what the details are of these soldiers who are going out.
One defence minister told me several years ago that they were dragging them through the front door and throwing them out the back. That was his comment, literally, throwing them out.
There are people who have a lot of education who could probably answer your question and tell you what to do where. The more preparation you give for that individual leaving, the better chance he's going to be able to move on successfully, and so on. It's not to say that everybody is like that. I know a lot of guys who have transitioned out, spent two years in community college, and are working full-time in jobs that they're enjoying. They were just as injured as anybody when they moved out. I think there has to be more push of their information forward. I don't know why it's not being done.
Here's an example. In 1985 they told us we had to start paying long-term disability. You have to have it, no choice. Before, you could opt in and out of it. I said, “Good stuff, long-term disability.” Those are the words. When I began working for OSISS, I was talking to a veteran, and he said, “Oh yeah, I've got to get this back to the insurance company, SISIP, because they're going to cut me off, it's been two years.” I said, “What do you mean?” He said, “I have to go see a doctor, get this filled out, and then my long-term disability will be able to carry on.” I said, “No.” He said, “Yes, it's two years and they come knocking, and if you can't back it up, then they cut it out.”
Here's something I had believed, that I was going to be taken care of as other soldiers would be on this long-term disability, but it had all these caveats. Nobody told us. We just assumed that it was long term.