Definitely, and I could go on about this, so I will try to be brief. I know that Jenny did speak to you.
I spoke to you a moment ago about their three themes: recognize and compensate, inform and engage, and serve and support. I'll start off by saying that we're certainly on the right path, but when it comes to family, there's still a lot more to do. Part of it is that there is evidence that we need to continue to gather. Canada has not been very strong in gathering the evidence on this particular population, hence that's why we're here today and certainly reinforcing that. I will give you three examples, one under each theme, where this advisory group has a very clear impact.
Under recognize and compensate, there's the caregiver recognition benefit, which I know Jenny spoke about. Again, it's a start, but I know that it is the first time that Veterans Affairs Canada will be providing, as of April 2, 2018, a benefit directly to the caregiver: a monthly non-taxable $1,000. That's in direct correlation to what they wanted to see and, of course, is a start for where we need to go.
On informing and engaging, as Robert mentioned in his opening remarks, we have contracted with Saint Elizabeth Health Care for an online caregiver module called the “Caregiver Zone”, which will be released shortly. It is the first of its kind. It's building on a model in the United States that is called “Building Better Caregivers”. Our advisory groups on families were engaged in the development of the content of that module. One of the very particular pieces of this module is the fact that coaches who have had military cultural training and sensitivity awareness as well will be available to speak to caregivers.
Finally, under the serve-and-support theme, there is the reference we've made more than once, I think, for various witnesses in terms of the military family services program and the fact that program needed to be broadened to include veterans. We did so. Medically released veterans will have access as of April 1, 2018.
Those are just a few examples.