Mr. Chair, I would like to speak in favour of the subamendment.
First of all, regarding the amendment as initially put forward and subsequently amended, it initially called for the National Capital Commission to appear. Then Ms. Blaney, I expect in the interest of efficiency, made a subamendment so that we would ask for a letter as opposed to a witness. Then we subsequently agreed to a subamendment proposed by Mr. Sarai to say if the letter wasn't good enough, we would bring in people to talk about this.
What spurred all of this on was concerns, whether legitimate or not, over a delay in the commencement of the project. The primary reason for wanting to hear from the National Capital Commission was to be able to reassure veterans that the project is on track, that there are established deadlines and that those deadlines would be met.
I think the subamendment keeps within the spirit of that original amendment but adds some specificity. I think it would be welcomed by the veterans community to know exactly what the deadlines are that we're looking at and requiring some detail from the National Capital Commission, including their architect and project manager.
The third bullet talks about the complexity of the project and something like this being at the upper end of the range of level of complexity that the National Capital Commission is accustomed to dealing with, as well as some details on the complexities and how they would impact the construction cost and timelines. This is all good information to be disseminated to veterans who are obviously anxious to have this done. As well it asks for details around the steps and milestones.
I think number five is particularly important in that people will want to know the current status of the project and the next steps in construction. My expectation is that comments that meet that requirement would also indicate whether and how there have been any delays to date.
Our position has been that while it's all well and good to have this discussion here around whether it should be team Daoust or team Stimson, the proper place for those discussions at this stage of the game is, quite frankly, in a court of law. Given that there has been no legal action commenced, given that there has been no application for an interim or interlocutory injunction, there is absolutely no reason that the project shouldn't be going forward. This letter should be able to provide the comfort to the community, to the public, to veterans, that this is in fact the case.
Finally, risks identified for the construction project would also be valuable information to give people some sense of the road that lies ahead.
I think it's a good amendment. It's an amendment that would give the NCC better marching orders for what is expected of them when they put pen to paper.
Thank you, Mr. Chair.