Mr. Speaker, I am so happy to hear from the other side of the House and this member that the Canada pension plan is such a sacred and important program that all Canadians can rejoice in knowing that they do not have to fear down the road that there will not be such a program.
With a program such as this, I am sure that the Liberal government, when this program was developed, looked into the future a little bit and had a vision. If it did, surely this program would have a reserve fund. However, I am afraid that the Canada pension plan does not have a reserve fund to ensure that Canadians down the road, 23 or 25 years from now, will be assured that when they pay into a program they will actually receive benefits. No, there is no reserve fund. The way the Canada pension plan system works-I would like the member to comment on this-is that the people who are working today pay into the Canada pension plan. The money they pay into the program does not go into a reserve fund and it is not held in a sacred trust for their retirement. That money is used to pay the benefits of the people who are collecting today.
We are headed down a road and there is a wall. At some point in time we are going to hit that wall.
I would like the member to please comment on this. If this program is so valuable to the government why is it not actuarially sound?