I have the honour to inform the House that when the House went up to the Senate chamber the Deputy Governor General was pleased to give, in Her Majesty's name, the royal assent to the following bill:
Bill C-10, an to act to provide for the maintenance of west coast ports operations-Chapter No. 1.
As it is 10.20 p.m., pursuant to the order adopted earlier today, the House stands adjourned until tomorrow at 2 p.m., in accordance with the standing orders.
(The House adjourned at 10.20 p.m.)
February 3, 1994
The Right Honourable Jean Chrétien, P.C., M.P. Prime Minister House of Commons Room 311-S, Centre Block Ottawa, Ontario K1A 0A6
Dear Prime Minister,
The purpose of this letter is to outline my serious concern over the alarming increase in cross-border crime which is occurring across Canada and growing on a daily basis particularly the smuggling of cigarettes, alcohol and other commodities.
We are at a point where existing RCMP law enforcement resources are virtually incapable of turning the tide in this rapidly expanding problem given our other responsibilities across Canada. While seizures have increased dramatically, the extent of the problem has been rising at a much faster rate with the involvement of organized crime groups and as otherwise law abiding citizens engaged in the criminal activity through the open purchase of contraband. I am convinced that a comprehensive strategy is required to address the smuggling problem which goes beyond an enhanced enforcement initiative.
What is needed, I believe, is an approach which includes enhanced enforcement, a strong communication package reflecting the extent of the smuggling problem as a law and order issue, enhanced public education on the health risks of smoking and a cigarette pricing policy which more closely reflects United States prices. This implies a need to reduce the tax on cigarettes significantly enough to approach parity, thereby eliminating the profit motive for smugglers. I believe we still need a moderately enhanced enforcement posture to remove organized networks which will continue to smuggle other commodities.
I have not come to this conclusion lightly. Normally, an enforcement only enhancement would work but, in this case, the smuggling problem has become so pervasive that the number of additional resources required to resolve the problem would be so intrusive as to be unacceptable, both from cost effectiveness and public perception perspectives. A comprehensive approach, while perhaps on the surface appearing to be capitulating to the smugglers, is the most balanced and efficient way to resolve an issue which one could strongly argue is out of control in present circumstances.
I would be pleased to discuss this matter in more detail, should you desire.
N.D. Inkster