The next vote will be on Motion No. 23 and will also apply to Motions Nos. 27, 28, 29, 30, 32, 34, 35, 36, 37 and 38.
An affirmative vote on Motion No. 23 obviates the need for a vote on Motions Nos. 24, 25, 26, 31 and 33. A negative vote on Motion No. 23 necessitates a vote on Motions Nos. 24, 26, 31 and 33.
The vote on Motion No. 24 will also apply to Motion No. 25.
Motions Nos. 26, 31 and 33 will be voted on separately.
All those in favour of the motion will please rise.
Does the proposer and his team party wish to rise in favour of this motion or not? Then all those opposed to the motion will be please rise.
(The House divided on the motion, which was negatived on the following division:)