(a) At the end of 1993, there were 3,210 members of the Canadian Rangers serving in the following provinces and territories:
(i) British Columbia 650
(ii) Alberta 30
(iii) Manitoba 20
(iv) Ontario 50
(v) Quebec 345
(vi) Newfoundland and Labrador 965
(vii) Northwest Territories 875
(viii) Yukon Territory 275
(c) (i) No.
(ii) The role of the Canadian Rangers is to provide a military presence in those sparsely settled northern, coastal and isolated areas of Canada where it is neither convenient nor economical to station other components of the Canadian forces. Therefore, the Canadian forces has decided not to organize Canadian Rangers units in the provinces which have an adequate military presence.
(iii) Provinces without Canadian Rangers units are Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, Prince Edward Island, and Saskatchewan.