Mr. Speaker, I ask that if I do not take up all my time I be allowed to share it with the member for York-Simcoe.
I support the motion put forward by my colleague, the Minister of the Environment, to refer the Canadian Environmental Protection Act to the Standing Committee on Environment and Sustainable Development for review.
One of my responsibilities as Minister of Health consist in protecting the health of Canadians against hazards posed by environmental contaminants. As part of my mandate, I share responsibility with the Minister of the Environment for the administration of the Canadian Environmental Protection Act.
Health Canada looks after protecting the health and well-being of Canadians against any adverse effect of pollution. I believe that the Canadian Environmental Protection Act is and will continue to be a major legislative tool when it comes to protecting public health.
Canadians are concerned about adverse effects the environment may have on their health. Such concerns were clearly expressed during the 1990 consultations on the green plan.
At that time, Canadians were invited to express their views on the subject in public fora. They suggested that certain priorities be recognized with respect to actions to be taken to deal with environmental problems and their health implications.
Canadians stated unequivocally that they wanted the government not only to clean up the environment, but also to protect human health. They also told us they wanted to have the information and knowledge required to take action, individually and collectively, regarding the environment.
Canadians have realized that their health and well-being depend not only on the environment, but on environmentally sustainable development. Canadians count on the leadership the government can provide in that area by developing appropriate protection mechanisms.
Every Canadian is at risk in his or her daily life. Some risks are related to behaviour while others are related to the social or physical environment in which we live and work.
Health Canada is responsible for informing the public as to the risks over which each of us can, to a certain extent, have direct control.
CEPA is an important tool for protection against the health risks of environmental contamination. Individuals have little direct control over some of these. Clean air and water and a safe and nutritious food supply are the basic requirements for health. Without them how can we have sustainable development?
During the green plan consultation chemical contamination of air, water and food was high on the list of concerns of Canadians. The resulting green plan program made clear the connection between the environment and health. It embodied an action plan on health and the environment for which I am responsible. A number of activities under the action plan address the issue of environmental contaminants and health.
For example, in the latest phase of the Great Lakes program, Great Lakes 2000, $25.5 million is allotted for addressing health
concerns. The goal is to reduce human exposure and risk to pollution by 30 per cent by the year 2000.
Another program under the action plan concerns drinking water. I would like to bring to Parliament Canada's first federal legislation covering drinking water safety. The act would legislate drinking water quality in the federal domain, for example on reserves. It would also establish standards for materials and chemicals used in water and water treatment devices.
The action plan also gave additional support to CEPA in order to accelerate the risk assessment of high priority environmental contaminants. These examples show clearly that the primary concern of my department in all of these activities is the threat posed to the health and well-being of Canadians by exposure to environmental contaminants.
On the issue of chemicals they can bestow enormous benefits, indeed a host of substances enhance our standard of living. However some chemicals may pose risks to health. In our pursuit of progress we must ensure that human health is not compromised. Such protection is part of the essential fabric of CEPA, particularly in part II of the act where, in concert with the Minister of the Environment, we have responsibilities for the assessment and management of toxic substances.
We need to seek new ways to deal with these increasingly complex problems. Hence the timeliness of the parliamentary review which provides an opportunity to examine ways to better deal with these chemicals.
For many Canadians environmental quality is seen largely from a health perspective. Public opinion polls conducted over the past few years have found that a large majority were very concerned about toxic chemicals for health reasons.
Canadians are living longer, healthier lives than ever before. We are already among the healthiest people in the world. We enjoy a high standard of living in a beautiful country, blessed with abundant natural resources. In order to sustain and further improve our health and well-being we must never let down our guard and become complacent about the risks posed by environmental pollution.
I believe that CEPA has been an important step in addressing these concerns. CEPA deals with the issue of toxic substances in the environment through a powerful framework for identifying, assessing and managing toxic substances.
Prevention has a long history in public health where a basic tenet has been the need for measures to prevent illness and disease. Our concepts of health and environment are broadening and expanding.
As recently as half a century ago health meant simply not being ill. Health is now seen as a resource for everyday living, an essential part of the quality of life. Good health is no longer simply the responsibility of the individual. It has come to involve the interaction between individuals, their communities and the environment.
Our concept of the environment has also expanded and includes not only our natural surroundings but also our homes, our work places and our communities.
These broadened concepts of health and environment need to be considered in the renewal of CEPA. Over the years the federal government has enacted a number of statutes which exercise some form of control over toxic substances. My department carries out its health promotion role primarily by enforcing various federal laws and regulations. Some are our sole responsibility, for example the Food and Drugs Act, the Hazardous Products Act, and of course the Tobacco Products Control Act.
I would be remiss if I did not mention some of the achievements to date: The development of regulations in partnership with Environment Canada for ozone depleting substances, PCBs, vinyl chloride, dioxins and furans from pulp and paper mills, the notification regulations for new chemicals and polymers and, last, gasoline regulations which required the accelerated phase-out of leaded fuel which has a significant impact in reducing human exposure to lead.
As well, earlier this year with Environment Canada we released the remaining assessments of the original 44 substances on the first priority substances list to meet the five-year deadline imposed by the act. I understand that no other jurisdiction in the world has completed a comparable task in so short a time.
In closing, let me reaffirm my support for the referral of CEPA to the parliamentary committee. I recognize the importance and magnitude of the task before it and I look forward to contributing the knowledge and expertise of my department to its work.
I look forward to supporting the committee as it looks at how a renewed Canadian Environmental Protection Act may contribute to creating and sustaining an environment that will not only maintain but enhance our health.