Madam Speaker, I am absolutely delighted to be able to stand here today and set the record straight on some rather outlandish statements by Her Majesty's Loyal Opposition and Official Opposition.
To claim that regional economic development efforts are creating overlap and inconsistencies resulting in "administrative chaos" could not be further from the truth. This government's approach to economic development is working and is working toward eliminating the very overlap and duplication my hon. colleague speaks of.
In particular, the record shows that the approach being taken in regional economic development by the Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency is extremely effective. In fact, given its success in creating permanent jobs, ACOA is this government's prime instrument to create economic development in the Atlantic region.
The regional agency approach has the full confidence of the government. Important gains have been made, but our government is still not satisfied with the rate of economic growth in Atlantic Canada. As such, much remains to be done to assist the region in attaining its full potential.
In order to help it respond to new development challenges, the agency must strategically direct its help to the most promising economic development opportunities in terms of job creation. Moreover, ACOA must become more aggressive in its efforts with small businesses to help them discover viable commercial ideas and actively realize them.
Atlantic Canada's economy is going through a transition, which can also be said of the rest of Canada and, in fact, most industrialized countries. Many factors explain this transition, the most notable being the changing structure of international trade, the speed of technological development and the generalization of government policies and the changes made to them.
This trend is likely to continue at a rapid pace over the current decade. Trade liberalization offers numerous opportunities for trade development. New technologies offer tremendous opportunities for productivity improvement in all sectors of the economy and in all phases of the production process. All of these will open new opportunities for Atlantic Canadian producers and entrepreneurs, but will also translate into increased and intense competition on domestic and world markets.
Governments increasingly constrained by mounting debt loads are forced to rethink their role and review social and economic programs. Speaking of learning from history, that is what this government is doing and that is what it is doing particularly through the mode of ACOA.
First let me talk about the comprehensive approach to the economic development of the Atlantic economy. Regional economic development programs are not immune from this review process and ACOA is currently defining new corporate directions.
The current government recognizes that strong regional economies are the building blocks for a strong Canadian economy. However, a new and more innovative approach to regional development needs to be developed, taking into consideration the global environment and tight fiscal constraints. Job creation will be the prime guiding principle for this new approach. This fulfils the promises we made in the red book and it is part and parcel of the philosophy and the base of this Liberal government.
Small and medium sized enterprises, SMEs, will be the focus of ACOA's programming and initiatives. The general approach will be to build on the expertise of all agents for economic development. This calls for economic co-operation, joint action and integrated development at the regional level.
Strong emphasis will be put on public sector and private sector partnering and the mobilization of scarce resources necessary to achieve strong regional economies and help regional firms and industries meet the challenges of international competition and change.
Second, we have to improve co-ordination among federal and provincial governments. A major regional development priority of this government is to work closely with provincial governments to ensure that the federal government is a partner in the formulation of regional development.
A second guiding principle given for job creation is as follows: in conjunction with provincial governments, we will try to reach the goals set in the strategic economic plan by focusing our efforts on tourism infrastructure, on commercial applications of research and development in local institutions and on assistance directed particularly at small businesses.
The government also recognizes that it is imperative to take at the regional level some action to improve co-ordination and effectiveness under the present circumstances of fiscal restraints and a heavy debt load.
There must be a greater harmonization of efforts and actions by the federal government and the provinces in the area of regional development. In view of its size and population, the Atlantic region will be able to compete more effectively on the world market if it integrates its economy, harmonize its strategies and co-ordinate its activities on a regional basis. ACOA has already taken the first steps by establishing such co-operative efforts at the regional level. Partnership with the tourism industry in Atlantic Canada, which was talked about earlier, is an eloquent example of that.
I also just recently announced an important measure on trade in the whole region, that is the co-operation agreement between Canada and the Atlantic provinces. That measure deals with the promotion of external trade. It will unite the four Atlantic provinces, ACOA, Industry Canada and Foreign Affairs and International Trade, in their efforts to help small and medium business in capturing export markets.
However, it is possible to do even more and, in order to do so, the president of ACOA conducts a forum of deputy ministers responsible for economic development in the provinces. This forum has the mandate of harmonizing even more the development efforts in the Atlantic region.
Improving government services to small and medium sized business is a high priority for this government. In "Creating Opportunity" this government pledged to review regional development programs and grants to business to ensure that they reflect a commitment to streamline government operations and eliminate duplication, to provide better support to commercial applications of R and D, to export oriented industries, and to small and medium sized businesses.
To this effect ACOA has established a Canada Business Service Centre in Halifax. One is currently being set up in Fredericton. Plans call for two other centres, in St. John's and in Charlottetown. These will serve as one stop shops for all federal and provincial government assistance to business. These centres will help improve considerably the delivery of assistance to these businesses.
There is currently numerous overlap and duplication in programs and services among federal departments and between provincial and federal governments. The CBSCs as well as the harmonization process between the federal government and provinces will contribute significantly toward elimination and reduction of overlap and duplication.
ACOA as the government's primary industry for supporting small business in Atlantic Canada is well placed to play a lead role.
The emphasis will be put on the creation of permanent jobs as well as on the economic renewal, through the infrastructure program.
We expect that 7,500 jobs will be created in the Atlantic region during the first two years of the infrastructure program. This program is making good progress and to date, 164 projects have been announced, representing a federal contribution of over $72 million earmarked for projects worth almost $200 million. This will create a little over 2,500 jobs.
Effective infrastructures will be put in place to attract industries to the communities. This new way of doing things will lead to increased competitiveness, a positive adjustment of the declining sectors, and a maximization of new opportunities.
ACOA, together with other federal departments, the provincial governments and its partners in the private sector, will concentrate its efforts on improving the competitiveness of the businesses in the Atlantic region so that they can compete on regional, domestic and international markets. To achieve this, ACOA will target the aid for adopting and adapting high technology processes and information technology as well as developing human resources to improve the quality of labour management and finally allow companies in the Atlantic region to exist and to grow in today's highly competitive environment.
One example of the type of innovative small company which the agency intends to target is Holland Stafford of Charlottetown which has become a leader in seafaring technology. This company has recently developed hundreds of new patterns for boat propellers by incorporating the latest technological developments and using new computerized design methods. This expertise has enabled the company to successfully expand into international markets for these products, as I am sure my colleague from Egmont would agree.
Another example is Eastland Industries in Minto, New Brunswick which has set up a new computerized assembly line of production machinery. This innovation has helped it expand its sales of European style cabinets and countertops to the Atlantic and New England markets.
Rationalization is occurring in all traditional industries: pulp and paper, fisheries and mining. As a result, employment in these industries has been declining. The transportation sector, notably railways, has also been shedding unprofitable activities which will also result in job losses.
The demilitarization ensuing from the end of the communist regime in eastern Europe is resulting in the closure and downsizing of many bases in Atlantic Canada. This has been accompanied by the loss of military and civilian jobs.
ACOA is taking a lead role in working with other federal departments, provincial governments and the affected communities to put in place development to replace these jobs. Some funds will soon be available to help communities get organized and develop and implement projects. ACOA's regular programs will of course be available to assist businesses seeking to establish or expand in these communities.
Trade liberalization, as reflected by the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade, the Canada-U.S. free trade agreement and the NAFTA and, to a lesser extent, the economic integration of the European community, offer numerous new opportunities for Atlantic firms.
ACOA will put significant emphasis on trade development so that entrepreneurs in Atlantic Canada can take full advantage of opportunities arising from trade globalization.
A proactive approach will be adopted to support sectors and firms which have high growth potential. There will be a focus on high growth potential sectors such as communications and information technology, health industries and pharmaceuticals, geomagnetics in space. Development at the firm level will be encouraged through such measures as diagnostic services, benchmarking and strategic planning.
Another example of a small company that has been able to penetrate export markets is Day Industrial and Minetech Incorporated in Cape Breton. The company has developed a long lasting, durable lamp for Cape Breton coal mines. It now sells its products to mining and other markets in Canada, the United States, Australia, Europe, South Africa and South America.
Some of our friends across the way do not think that this is a good way to invest in Canadians. I think that is a shame.
Ultima East of St. John's, Newfoundland has developed into a world leader in the development of access technology for mobile satellite data networks. Satellite Communications is a global industry and the company has developed a large foreign
market, including Brazil, Norway and the United States. Ultima East has rapidly emerged as a success in a highly technical and competitive field. Started in 1985, Ultimate East and its parent company, New East, now employ 50 people, but hey, why should we put money into ACOA?
ACOA with other federal partners and the provinces has also a major role to play in maximizing the benefits from major projects such as the Northumberland Strait crossing project, the link, or as some of us like to call it, the span of green cables, and in helping deploy effectively the workers who will be displaced from cessation of the ferry service. The link will be unique in North America and world class. It will cost about $800 million to build and generate 5,000 person years of employment, 2,000 during the peak employment period.
The project will offer numerous regional benefits in terms of procurement, including goods, services and labour, significant investment opportunities and spin-off activities. The developer is committed under the regional benefit agreement to procure 70 per cent of goods, materials and services and 96 per cent of labour content from Atlantic Canada. I think that is a great idea. I think the member for Egmont would agree with me.