Mr. Speaker, pursuant to Standing Order 36, it pleases me to offer three petitions today. The first two come from in and around the city of Winnipeg, Manitoba with 300 signatures on pink paper from women who would like to draw to the attention of the House that the proposed amendments to firearm control legislation by the justice minister are unduly harsh and will waste dwindling financial resources while attacking the rights of law-abiding citizens without affecting crime.
They request that the provisions be separated and that Parliament proceed to strengthen border patrols and strengthen measures to deal with the criminal use of firearms but not proceed with the proposed enhanced controls on legal ownership of firearms.
There are 300 signatures on this petition from the women of Manitoba and I have an identical one with nearly 900 signatures from men.
The third petition from Calgary requests that Parliament support laws which will severely punish all violent criminals who use weapons in the commission of crime, support new Criminal Code firearms control provisions which recognize and protect the rights of law-abiding citizens to own and use recreational firearms, and support legislation which will repeal and modify existing gun control laws which have not proved public safety or have proven not to be cost effective or have proven to be overly complex so as to be ineffective or unenforceable.
I concur with these petitions.