The information requested is not available in an existing document and it cannot be produced within the department's routine operations. The manual and electronic data banks of the four distinct organizations which existed prior to the merger forming the department of Public Works and Government Services have not as of yet been integrated or updated. To compile information which represents the contracting activities of the entire department, an in-depth search would have to be conducted throughout the many sectors of the department and their data banks.
The department does not currently have the capability within its routine operations to produce accurate statistical information for all of its contracting activities within electoral boundaries.
The department is presently considering the various options available to it to update and integrate its various information holdings.
As an alternative approach to providing contracting information to members of Parliament, efforts have been made to facilitate access to the open bidding service, OBS. The OBS is a user-pay electronic bulletin board which publicly advertises contract opportunities, notices of planned sole-source contracts, as well as notices of contract awards. Through the OBS, contract histories are also available, allowing subscribers to find information on OBS contracts that have been awarded in the past, to whom, and for what amount.
In addition, PWGSC's publication, "Government Business Opportunities", GBO, is published three times a week and provides similar information on federal government procurement. The GBO is available to members of Parliament free of charge through the federal government depository services program.
Please note that this type of information for the whole province of Quebec is available in the answer to question Q-93 tabled this day.