Mr. Speaker, I rise today on behalf of the constituents of Okanagan-Similkameen-Merritt to give fair warning to the government in anticipation of its pending budget.
Canadians have been contacting Reform Party members of Parliament to express their rage about any possible taxation of dental benefits and RRSPs by the Liberal government. We have received thousands of calls, letters and petitions.
The Reform Party opposes any increase in the general tax burden imposed on Canadians. The budget must be balanced, but through expenditure reductions rather than tax increases.
Does this government not understand that Canadians want a reduction in the burden of government? In my riding over the last three weeks my constituents have made it perfectly clear: reduce the deficit without increasing taxes. Our voices of protest must stop the Liberals from making any tax grab.
I give fair warning to the government: do not tax dental benefits or RRSPs, do not raise any taxes, reduce spending.