I know that the hon. member for Broadview-Greenwood just yelled something, but I am not accusing him of having bad intentions, far from it. Sometimes, politicians, and especially politicians in power, feel the need to intervene in areas only because of the next election and in order to get the Canadian economy going, I think.
Ministers are people too, like you and I, and they are not impervious to lobbying. Chairpersons and presidents are also human and also have to deal with ministers twisting their arms, saying: Think about it, in such and such a sector, in such a place, will you not reconsider your decision? Will you not thoroughly review the issue, to see whether you can swing it?
If this were to happen, it could very well have unfortunate outcomes. I would have suggested that the chairman and the president be appointed by the House of Commons, by the government and not by the minister himself. Then, you and I would have to assume responsibility for the appointment. Then, in the future, if it did not work out, if we did not have a good president, we could blame everybody, not just a certain minister or hon. member. This was the issue I wanted to speak about.