That, in the opinion of this House, the government should give RCMP officers the right to unionize and to bargain collectively under the Canada Labour Code.
Mr. Speaker, is it not somewhat of a paradox, although it is not perceived as such, that today I should stand up in this House and defend what is undoubtedly one of Canada's best known symbols? This is proof that nobody in this House will be able to say, either in the future or in reference to the past, that the official opposition has not lived up to its responsibilities.
I expect the parliamentary secretary to generously mention it in his reply; as you know, if there is someone who is often critical of the official opposition, it is my colleague, the member for Vaudreuil.
On a more serious note, I believe that as parliamentarians we must realize that discrimination of a peculiar kind has been going on for years within the RCMP. Around 16,000 officers are finding themselves in a legal vacuum the likes of which is unheard of, a very unhealthy situation indeed.
People listening to us must realize that the RCMP officers are protected neither by the Labour Code nor the Public Service of Canada Act. Therefore, the situation is that some clearly essential workers are discriminated against and cannot exercise their rights to collective bargaining.
It is quite paradoxical, because members of Parliament are certainly already aware of the situation.
At least three commissions of inquiry have stated that labour relations were among the difficulties pointed out to the legislator. We cannot rise today and plead innocence saying that we did not know about the situation, that we do not know what it is all about. On the contrary, the situation was brought to the attention of the cabinet and of the parliamentarians. But there has always been some reluctance to act on this issue.
Closer to home, the labour minister, also a member for Montreal, asked for a task force, which reviewed and reported on part I of the Labour Code, which we want to update, and rightly so. Among the recommendations in the report Sims, named for the commission's chairman, there was obviously a finding to the effect it was unacceptable that all police officers in Canada, except RCMP members, had the right to collective bargaining.
It was recommended to take action to see how this group could be unionized. We will come back to what this right to unionize means concretely. Believe it or not, Mr. Speaker, and knowing how sensitive you are, I am sure you will have great difficulty admitting it, but it remains that, despite the information available, despite three inquiry commissions, despite the recent tabling of a report, the minister responsible for this issue has still taken no action.
Let it be clearly understood: currently in Canada eight provinces and 200 municipalities use the RCMP as their police. We have to remind Canadians and the people who are watching us how flagrant this discrimination is since two categories of employees who do the same kind of work do not have the same rights. That is the situation we want to correct.
When I tabled my motion, I had clearly in mind what this means in the workplace, how unhealthy it can be when employees cannot collectively determine, influence and work to ensure they have a voice on the working conditions they will be subject to. That is why, periodically, there have been labour relations problems in the RCMP.
In order to restore a healthy labour relations climate in the RCMP, I think that a certain number of requirements must be met. First of all, employees must have the right to collectively negociate their working conditions. This is not a meaningless statement. What is a collective agreement if not a consensus expressed on paper setting out the rules, procedures and avenues of appeal available if the parties cannot come to an agreement?
Not only are RCMP officers prohibited from making representations on collective bargaining, but they are in a practically unprecedented situation. Anyone who is familiar with labour relations knows how unhealthy this situation is, since, as a manager, the RCMP Commissioner must implement directives and make deci-
sions, acting as both judge and jury. One does not need a law degree to realize how unhealthy this is.
Again, this government-with its cow-like disposition-refuses to step in and take the measures needed to correct the situation.
As I said earlier, for healthy work conditions to prevail within the RCMP, officers must have the right to bargain collectively. They must, of course, have the right to form an association, to have democratically elected representatives recognized as such, and to submit grievances to an outside organization that is independent and neutral.
I trust that the parliamentary secretary will, when he rises in a few minutes, admit that when there are disputes in the Public Service there is an outside third party to judge grievances and reach a decision, as well as appeal mechanisms of which both the employer and the workers are aware. That third party is the Public Service Commission, or in certain specific cases Treasury Board, or the Public Service Staff Relations Board. These are known bodies and have a precise role. Their independence of action is acknowledged, because they are accredited by both management and labour.
This is the crux of the debate. It is all the more admirable because these are not workers who have shirked their responsibilities. They are all very aware of their responsibilities which, moreover, have a special nature in the RCMP relating to national security and protecting the public interest.
This is why the representations they are making to us as parliamentarians are not for the right to strike. That is not what is involved when RCMP employees, through a national association, are calling for recognition of a certain number of rights. What is involved is the right to compulsory arbitration, outside the RCMP of course, but they are not calling for the commissioner to be bound by the decision, and therefore not for a final and binding arbitration such as there is in place today. There are already clauses within part I of the Labour Code which permit this.
The employees of the RCMP have even facilitated the work of the legislator. So much so that they proposed a bill containing a certain number of stipulations. If we wanted to go ahead and be serious about the attention we give employees of the RCMP, any member in this House, but especially the government majority whose responsibility it is, could well introduce a bill giving those employees the right to collective bargaining and the right to group together into an association.
I hope that people who are listening tonight understand that this is what this debate is about, something harmless, the basis of work relations.
Believe it or not, RCMP employees-officers, I am not talking about civilian employees, I am talking about officers-have been waiting for this decision for at least ten years. How is it that nothing has been done? Since 1993, we have seen a total lack of understanding of what is going on in the RCMP.
Let us take the following example: there is currently a divisional representative process. However, this process is more like a small shop union than like what exists elsewhere in the public service. As an MP, I suggest that we give a legislative framework to the RCMP so that those people can form an association and collectively decide, collectively negotiate their collective agreement.
If ever there is no majority, I am quite convinced, and I would even dare to bet on a large beer, Mr. Speaker, that the Parliamentary Secretary will tell us in a few minutes, when he stands up: "Yes, but there is already a negotiation process."