Madam Speaker, I am happy today to participate in the debate. The bill before the House, as we know it, Bill C-49, is very much in line with our government's policies.
In 1993 one of our platform policies was getting government right, and this measured approach has resulted in benefits to all Canadians.
One might ask how was government wrong. I think we have heard some things this afternoon and we all have stories of how government is wrong and we could talk about them all day, but I am not going to do that. I think the best way to answer this is by illustrating how we are getting government right.
I would like to start by outlining the key objectives of such a policy: reducing the financial burden of the federal government, reviewing all government activities in light of today's realities, and restoring integrity in the system. Those are the three Rs of government: reduce, review and restore. They are the cornerstone of much of what this government has done, what it is doing now and what it will continue to do.
When attacking the deficit we wanted to set goals and we wanted to meet them. The last thing Canadians needed was another government with broken deficit targets.
Members will recall that the previous government promised reduced deficits but in fact each year of that administration the deficit increased.
The financial markets wanted to see a government meet its targets. In fact, we did more than that. We have exceeded our targets. In 1994-95 we beat our target by $400 million. Last year it was beaten by $4 billion and we are on target again this year. By the end of the 1997-98 fiscal year we will have reduced the deficit by at least 60 per cent in just four years. I think these are very good results.
As a result of these actions the market again has confidence in the federal government and we are seeing the benefits. Interest rates have just fallen again. The prime rate is at its lowest level in 38 years. And that, my hon. colleagues, is because this government is meeting and exceeding its deficit targets.
The government is creating the right economic environment for job creation. Businesses can invest more when the cost of borrowing is lower. Entrepreneurs have better access to capital to realize their dreams. Not only that, but they in turn hire and employ their fellow Canadians.
I do not think I could make my point any stronger except if I would be allowed to give a few examples of expansion projects and the creation of new firms that have occurred this year in my province. I will list a few of them.
In my city of Charlottetown, currently under construction is a $4 million expanded Canadian Tire. In December McCains will open a new $3 million expansion. This summer I participated in the opening of Diversified Metal Engineering. DME is world renowned for its manufacturing equipment for the micro brewery industry. Cycor Communications merged with a local hook-up communications to establish a new call centre, creating 50 new jobs. I could go on but these are some of the major expansions.
Now for the entrepreneurial achievements of Prince Edward Islanders. Let me remind this place that Prime Edward Island is a small province and these projects make a big difference. The start-up of some of the new firms, although small, may have the
same effect in Prince Edward Island as a large auto plant opening in Ontario. For instance, Prince Edward Island Wild Blueberry Company has a $5 million new processing plant in the riding of my colleague from Cardigan with 40 full time jobs. Simscape Development Corporation, an information technology firm in Charlottetown, has started with international sales as far away as Australia, Singapore and Hong Kong.
I have saved the best for last. Prince Edward Island has a brand new and completely modern fibre optic telephone system. A second fibre optic connection with the mainland will be achieved next spring when the Confederation bridge is completed. In the light of all of this, many companies are investing in Prince Edward Island.
The examples I have given of the achievements of the islanders illustrate just how the government is getting government right. Businesses are expanding and new businesses are being created. We have set the stage for the private sector to create jobs which Canadians want and need.
However, so far this is only part of the big picture. When cutting the deficit we did more than just cut departmental budgets, we initiated the most extensive program review the federal government has ever seen. Everything was analysed and evaluated. By doing so, we reduced waste and duplication. Some departmental programs were redesigned and consolidated. Some government services that should be delivered by the private sector or by other levels of government were rationalized without jeopardizing the interests of Canadians.
It is not enough to modernize federal departments and agencies, we have also modernized Parliament. We know that we have not gone far enough, but measures were introduced to improve reporting to Parliament and to give more influence to individual MPs and standing committees in developing policy and legislation. There is much more to do in this area but this is a great beginning.
Many activities that affect our daily lives are governed by federal regulations. In this fast paced world these regulations must reflect today's realities. The Liberal government modernized the regulatory process in areas such as health, safety, the environment, international trade and interprovincial matters. In the same spirit, other administrative changes have been made. Prior to Bill C-49 the government conducted a review of federal agencies and advisory bodies, with eliminations and reductions affecting some 70 bodies and 600 governor in council appointed positions.
Continuing that modernization, Bill C-49 will eliminate another 271 governor in council appointments and result in annual savings
of $2.5 million. That will bring the total annual savings in the review to about $10 million.
I will save my hon. colleagues the torture of not going into detail on the whole bill. However, I will cover the implications of this bill on the labour branch of Human Resources Development Canada.
The obvious question is how this bill will affect the Canada Labour Relations Board. The CLRB is an autonomous, quasi-judicial tribunal responsible for the interpretation and application of part I, industrial relations, and parts of part II, dealing with occupational safety and health of the Canada Labour Code. The changes to the board, which are done by way of amendments to the Canada Labour Code, are only of an administrative nature.
In keeping with current conventions of more neutral terminology, appropriate modifications are proposed. Clarifications will be made to the travel provisions to which appointees are entitled, thus increasing the board's cost effectiveness.
Another change will be to amend the requirements for a board member to be a Canadian citizen, to allow a permanent resident eligibility for a board position. This complies with the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms.
Also under the labour branch is the Canadian Artists and Producers Professional Relations Tribunal. It too will have minor changes, such as clarification of the travel provisions for tribunal members, standardization of the remedial and disciplinary measures process and the inclusion of part time members of the tribunal as a protection of the Government Employees Compensation Act.
The coverage entails compensation for death or injury while performing duties or while on a flight taken in the course of duty. It is only common sense to have members covered in the case of unfortunate incidents.
Another agency affected is the Canadian Centre for Occupational Health and Safety. It is a departmental corporation under schedule II of the Financial Administration Act and reports to the Minister of Labour. This centre was created in 1978 with a mandate to promote the fundamental right of Canadians to a healthy and safe working environment.
There is agreement among the members of the council of governors that the council is too large. Costs to the organizations which sponsor members who sit on the council of governors will be reduced, as will the administration costs for meetings and the processing of appointments. CCOHS has been directed to become revenue self-sufficient and these amendments will contribute to
that goal. As in changes to the CLRB, some minor modifications will be made to the terminology of the act.
In closing, I would like to cover the effects of Bill C-49 on the Labour Adjustment Review Board. My hon. colleagues may wonder why the government is making amendments to this board. The fact is the board has not been required since 1987. The Labour Adjustment Benefits Act under which the Labour Adjustment Review Board was established was replaced in 1988 by the program for older workers adjustment.
As of March 31, 1995 there were 1,855 Canadians still receiving benefits under that program. To maintain the legal authority to continue payments to current recipients, the government is amending rather than repealing the act. Consequently, these amendments have no effect on the remaining recipients. These benefits end at age 65. Therefore, the number of beneficiaries and the amount of total annual benefits are diminishing each year.
As I have pointed out, the government is doing what previous governments have failed to do. The deficit has been reduced to its lowest level in over a decade. Federal institutions have undergone a program review that will increase their cost effectiveness while improving service to Canadians. In short, Bill C-49, the Administrative Tribunals Remedial and Disciplinary Measures Act is just one more example of us getting government right.