Mr. Speaker, Bill C-29 should have a subtitle "this is the bill that time forgot". It seems we have been debating this bill forever. This may be the first bill I ever spoke on. It has been going on and on. It is kind of like that bunny on television, it just keeps going and going.
I am not sure what has happened except that there have been some interesting developments over the course of time. It is an opposition's duty to reveal the weaknesses of a bill and to see exactly how the ministers' arguments have unravelled when it comes to the reasons for bringing the MMT issue to the floor in the first place.
Let me recap for a moment. Bill C-29 is a bill to ban the importation and interprovincial trade of MMT. MMT is a chemical that has become the substance of much controversy in Canada and to a lesser extent in the United States. It is a chemical added to unleaded gasoline to increase its octane.
The makers of MMT argue that it makes engines more efficient. But in juxtaposition, the auto giants want Canada to stop using MMT because they say that it harms their onboard diagnostic systems in new cars.
That is the essence of the argument. The minister has decided to ban the importation of MMT into Canada.
The American courts on April 14, 1995-and we warned them that this was coming-ordered the Environmental Protection Agency to grant a temporary waiver of its ban on MMT to the private company that wants to market it again. The U.S. Court of Appeals came out in favour of MMT once again. We hear that the Environmental Protection Agency is not going to appeal the latest ruling. In other words, the Environmental Protection Agency, a very stringent agency with standards as high as one could want, is not going to appeal the ruling that allows MMT. MMT is now allowed in the United States.
In December 1994 Health Canada published a study which said that there is no health risk from MMT. That is why the minister cannot ban the substance. In order to ban it, it has to be proven to be unhealthy. Regardless of what the chairman of the environment committee might have said in the House just before question
period, Health Canada published a study saying that there is no health risk from MMT.
Even more ironic is that the new substance which will replace MMT is also known to cause increased pollution. Even while MMT is determined to be safe by Health Canada, the banning of MMT, Environment Canada itself says will increase nitrogen oxide emissions by a full 20 per cent. It is no wonder that this bill has been batting around the House of Commons now for a couple of years. The minister has not been able to supply to the House the reasons that this substance is being banned.
It is the Reform Party's belief that we ought to make decisions of this type based on pure science, on rational logical arguments rather than on silly political considerations. That is why we continue to protest the government's trying to push this bill through. If the truth be known, I think it is why the government has been reluctant to push it too.
The government could have pushed this through. It could have passed it long ago, but there is a little niggling doubt about whether or not the government is doing the right thing. That is why the bill has been around for so long.
It is symbolic at least to me that this bill was introduced by the Minister of Canadian Heritage, one of the more political ministers in this House. Way back when she was Minister of the Environment, she brought this bill in.
This is the same minister who seems to get up in the morning with a plan of the week national unity strategy, who seems to get up and scratch on the back of a breakfast napkin in the parliamentary restaurant regarding how we are going to hold Canada together. She comes up with flag programs, with the Canadian propaganda office and so on.
This bill is opposed by people even within her own cabinet. The Minister for International Trade said that an import prohibition on MMT would be inconsistent with Canada's obligations under the WTO and the NAFTA. He said that Canada may also be susceptible to an investor state challenge under Chapter 11 of the NAFTA. That is from her own colleague, a minister, a warning to her.
Nothing but the heavy hand of party discipline has kept this thing chugging along through the Liberal benches. They keep pushing this through and I can hardly believe why.
To quickly recap, when the Minister of Canadian Heritage was the Minister of the Environment, three personal kerfuffles before her present position, she cited case after case that this study says that MMT is bad for the environment, and another one and another one. I stood at the end of the speech and asked the hon. minister to please table those reports in the House. This is the reason, right? It is bad for the environment. It is going to cause all kinds of death, destruction, havoc and what have you.
I asked her to table the studies in the House. The answer was no, that they were private studies. The private studies were done by whom? By the automotive industry, which happens to be heavily concentrated in her neck of the woods.
We said to the government not to believe Ethyl Corp. if it does not want to, and not to believe the auto giants because they have a vested interest. We asked the government to commission a neutral study to determine the effects that MMT has on onboard diagnostic computers.
Ethyl Corporation says it has done tests. It has a test to slap down here which says MMT does not harm the computers. The auto giants say it does harm the computers. Of course both sides have a vested interest.
We say throw all those reports out. Let us have a neutral body, some research facility, either government owned or government commissioned, to study whether it has any negative effect on the environment. That would put the thing to rest for me. Let us get the scientific proof, not the political shenanigans, once and for all get it out on the table and we will know whether or not this stuff is harmful to the environment or to the computers.
The government will not do that. What does it do? It continues to ban the substance for import and export, interprovincial trade and so on. Yet it has no independent scientific proof that it does any harm.
Just before the break, the chairman of the environment committee mentioned that there is no real opposition to banning this in Canada, that it is strictly from one giant U.S. based corporation and that is the only reason there is any opposition to this. I have not seen those particular people here in the House of Commons speaking against it, but he says that is the only opposition. Let me read a few quotes from some of the other people who have raised the red flag over this.
The premier of Alberta states: "Banning MMT is likely to increase, not decrease emissions and Bill C-29 will cost refiners in western Canada alone approximately $100 million in capital investment and an ongoing annual cost of $15 million". For Bombardier that is not a big deal. It can get a no interest loan, donate a little to the Liberal Party, get $87 million to $100 million in loans, $1 billion plus in loans over the last 10 years, it is no big deal. But for western Canadian refiners they are saying this is going to be a cost of $100 million and as the premier says, it will not decrease the emissions.
Ty Lund, the Alberta minister of the environment, states: "There is no indication and there is no scientific backing to suggest that there would be an improvement in the environment by banning
MMT. As a matter of fact, there is a risk". Of course, that is just a guy from the west. What would he know anyway? I am sure the minister would say yes, but there are all these vested interests again.
Let me quote Vaughn Blaney, the former New Brunswick minister of the environment, an easterner: "Health Canada advises that there is no health related reason to restrict the use of MMT. Environment Canada advises that in fact they are not able to regulate the compound as being deleterious to the environment". In other words, it is outside their purview. There is no reason to ban it.
Of course, that is an easterner and a westerner. How about somebody from the middle of the country? How about the Saskatchewan minister of the environment, Bernhold Weins? As far as I know, Bernhold Weins being a member of the NDP government is not a close associate of mine. I will just quote what he said as someone from middle Canada: "In our view the scientific data on MMT does not indicate a net environmental gain will result from the passage of this legislation". But of course that is the NDP.
We have had Conservatives, NDP, people in the east and people in the west. But this is probably a national unity issue so let us quote somebody from Quebec. François Gendron, former Quebec minister of natural resources, said: "The use of MMT even provides some benefits". We are making progress. "In fact it does reduce nitrogen oxide emissions which are ozone precursors". In other words, the minister from Quebec says that MMT is not just neutral, it may even be beneficial to the environment.
Guy Chevrette, the current Quebec minister of state for natural resources, states: "It appears that the use of MMT could provide some benefits to the environment. The bill will have a major impact on the competitiveness of Quebec refineries".
Alberta refineries are saying it is $100 million, Quebec refineries as well. In other words, this is not a national unity issue at all. It happens to be a common sense scientific problem and the government for some reason, and I am perplexed as to why, has decided to avoid the logic, the scientific arguments and has decided to press ahead with this. I just do not understand it. Unless there are some political considerations in here I do not know why this is proceeding. That is all those governments and who knows what they know.
Health Canada is a fairly neutral body as far as I know. Health Canada said: "Airborne manganese resulting from the combustion of MMT in gasoline powered vehicles is not entering the Canadian environment in quantities or under conditions that may constitute a health risk". Health Canada, a neutral body, is saying this is not an issue.
The chief monitoring and criteria division of Health Canada said: "All analysis indicates that the combustion products of MMT in gasoline do not represent an added health risk to the Canadian population". How much more does the government need? The U.S. Environment Protection Agency said: "MMT will not cause or contribute to the failure of any emission control device or system".
We could do a similar study in Canada if that is what the government would like. I am willing to support that but the government will not do it. It is going to push this through apparently.
The board of trade of metropolitan Montreal said it is going to hurt jobs, it is going to hurt Canadians. A Toronto Star editorial said: ``Ottawa ought to watch and wait, not legislate'', a nice little rhyming conclusion.
I wish the minister would reconsider his position, listen to his cabinet colleagues and others in the House who have said and proven time and again that this is a lousy piece of legislation for ill considered political gain.