Mr. Speaker, I rise to speak on behalf of the Reform Party. Our position on this bill, subject to individual members' votes, is that we would be supporting the bill.
Part of the problem and one of the hesitations I had as heritage critic in recommending to my caucus that we look at supporting this bill is the fact that it does not really deal with the issue. It is a little band-aid on a great big problem.
Anybody who comes to my home will see some of the construction I have done. It is really quite laughable and identifiable. There is a fairly broad piece of trim which covers up the error I made when I was trying to put the corners together. On top of that broad piece of trim is a medium size piece of trim to cover up the errors I made when I was crafting the broad piece of trim. Then there is a very small piece of trim which actually covers up the problem that was created with the medium size piece of trim. In other words, I am not a particularly good carpenter and it requires a tremendous amount of work to cover up the fact that the whole thing is being held together by chicken wire and chewing gum.
It seems to me that is a word picture of what we have with the CRTC and the fact we are dealing with this issue. This bill is a band-aid, a small piece of trim on a far larger problem. This is the reason there was concern about supporting the bill.
The heritage minister has called for a review of the CRTC. I am not sure how serious she was. It seems to me that just about every time she wakes up in the morning she has some new ideas and then her department has to run around after her picking up the pieces. Whether or not she was really serious about a CRTC review, I do not know.
The problem is that there is a need for a CRTC review. The CRTC reflects what would be best classed as horse and carriage electronics. What I am saying is we have moved from the horse past the car to the jet, to the space age piece of equipment, while the CRTC mandate itself and the way it goes about doing its regulations is held back still feeding oats to the horse. An awful lot of the regulations show the results of feeding the oats to the horse by the road apples.
The problem is the CRTC comes forward with the kind of regulations that it does, particularly the kind of decisions it makes with respect to content. It ends up effectively forcing the cable companies to find creative ways to get around the problem, that somehow they are going to have to get dollars for some of these programs and some of the content that is going to be put on the air.
Clearly with the way the technology is right now in 1996 in the majority of homes in Canada, there cannot be true competition in the cable industry. In fact, we have to go outside the cable industry, speaking of technology, in order to create competition for the cable industry.
The marketplace probably would take care of this kind of negative option billing, this kind of high handed approach that was exercised by the cable companies in trying to come forward and get the revenue the CRTC said they had to get for these channels that nobody wanted. It would have worked out.
For example, there would have been competition if we had had a coherent policy from this government with respect to direct to home satellite service. Right now the DTH and the decision cabinet made to not interfere with the CRTC is driving a grey market of gigantic proportions.
Across the border from my constituency is a very small town in the northern area of Idaho. On a very busy day I do not think we would find 50 people in that town but amazingly there are 600 mailboxes. I wonder why there would be 600 mailboxes for 50 people. I bet it has something to do with the fact that if someone wants to get into the satellite grey market they have to have a post office box in their name in the United States. I will bet that is the answer.
That is the reality of what is going on, not only to people who are adjacent to the border as my constituency is but to people further north, in northern areas of British Columbia and in northern areas of Alberta. That is what is going on in western Canada. Quite frankly if it is not happening in Atlantic Canada, Ontario, the prairies and Quebec, I would be very surprised. That is going on because of the very bad, antiquated, out of touch, out of date policies this government is having the CRTC enact. We are driving people to become electronic Americans. That is the shame of it.
This is the same cabinet that made the decision not to interfere with, not to question the decisions that were made with respect to the direct to home satellite. This is the same cabinet which said: "No, we cannot do that". It is the same cabinet which on the same day decided it was going to interfere for the second time with digital audio services that had been proposed by Shaw Cable. It defies logic to have people believe that the same cabinet which would not overturn the boneheaded position of the CRTC with respect to direct to home satellite service, on the same day by some coincidence would interfere with a Canadian company trying to bring digital audio services to Canadians on a Canadian service. It defies logic for the cabinet to suggest that it could not do one but could just happen to do the other.
It is for that reason, if the heritage minister is serious and if she is calling for a real CRTC review from top to bottom particularly with respect to its mandate, we would be fully supportive of that. However, I do have a caveat on that as well. The difficulty is that these little mental droppings she gave to us about her thinking of having a CRTC review, which I happened to see in ink in the newspapers, indicated that she was going to have the CRTC review itself.
Heaven forbid that we should get into another $2.5 million Juneau boondoggle as we did with the CBC review. That was pretty ridiculous when the budget for the CBC review I believe was struck at around $900,000 and the Canadian taxpayer ended up paying out over $2.5 million for it. I am not recommending that.
On the other side of the coin I also think it is very short sighted, narrow minded and myopic on the part of the minister for her to say: "Why don't we have a review of the CRTC by the CRTC for the CRTC so that it can tell me about the CRTC and what it should be doing". The minister does not seem to have a tremendous amount of control over a lot of things, quite frankly.
Let me get back to the issue of Bill C-216. The reason I support it and in spite of the fact that I see it as being a necessary little band-aid on the larger issue of whether the CRTC should be doing these things is that I do believe there has to be protection in our society for tactics that can be used by people in a broadly based commercial marketplace.
Let me make my position really clear on that. I do not believe in overregulation in a narrow marketplace. The reason I do not believe in overregulation in a narrow marketplace is that I do believe in the basic assumption in business of caveat emptor, let the buyer beware. Far too often we try to mandate with government action things that could be better handled by the free market.
In this instance, there is a very broadly based marketplace and there are seniors and people who require some protection. Therefore, I would support and I am recommending to my colleagues in the Reform Party to support Bill C-216 to afford that protection to a broadly based marketplace.