I appreciate that clarification, Mr. Speaker.
Motion No. 10 gives the CRTC wide latitude and almost unlimited powers, if not unlimited powers, regarding the regulation of these issues.
I want to make a point on the question of accountability. Who holds the CRTC accountable? Being a quasi-judicial body we all know that it is not accountable to anybody other than its members who sit at the government's pleasure and can be replaced if it is felt that they are not fulfilling their obligations in a manner the government would deem appropriate.
We saw that last week when the chairman of the Canada Labour Relations Board was deemed to be participating in bad behaviour and now the government has taken action to remove him from his position.
Accountability is the issue. Motion No. 10 talks about giving a group of unknown, unelected and unaccountable people complete and absolute authority over matters that have great importance to Canadians as they conduct modern ways of communicating through telephone and so on.
Accountability is near and dear to my heart. I think of what happened, for example, in NavCan. The federal government, in its wisdom or lack thereof, decided that it would create an organization. We thought it was privatization. It was called privatization by the government. When we looked at the situation we learned that it was nothing close to privatization in any way, shape or form. Basically it was government by another format, government without accountability. That is exactly what we have in Motion No. 10. The CRTC has government without accountability.
Again, if I can use NavCan as an example, the government set up that organization on an uncompetitive basis. I give the Minister of Industry some credit, because Teleglobe has now been privatized and is allowed to operate in a competitive environment. NavCan was one of the bungles by the Department of Transport which decided that privatization did not mean competition. As a result we see an organization with none of the constrictions of having to live up to a competitive environment. In fact it has been given a monopoly in perpetuity.
Those types of decisions being made by government are totally inappropriate. I am glad to see that the same has not happened here.
I also look at NavCan and see that the competitive environment does not apply because it has been given a perpetual monopoly. I wonder what kinds of accountability have been put in place. Unfortunately I see none.
In Motion No. 10 we are seeing much of the same thing. There is very little in the way of accountability. When we take a look at NavCan we find out there are no shareholders because it is a not for profit organization. It has no shareholders to be accountable to.
Who is on the board of directors? The airlines and the players are on the board, but they are accountable to someone other than the people who have to pay. The Canadian travelling public is being taxed to pay for the navigation service and has absolutely no say whatsoever in the decision making of the organization. We have no say in the decision making of the CRTC in Motion No. 10. Therein lies the relevance of the argument that sometimes accountability is very important in this country. Accountability is very important in democracy.
The government is giving the CRTC these wide ranging powers, and I quoted them earlier, to determine any matter and make any order with respect to databases. It is pretty far ranging. It is this need for more accountability that I think has got to be inherent in the process as the government looks at alternative service deliveries, this being one in Teleglobe Canada.
The idea of privatization of the organization I think is very good. That is where we are moving in this interconnected world in which we live. We need to open up the business which the government has been in for so many years and has become stifled with over-regulation and stifled with bureaucratic administration. It is more than time to take these issues and allow the competitive forces to winnow out the waste, mismanagement and the inefficiencies to ensure that the Canadian public are given the best opportunities, the best service and the best quality at the best price. That can never happen within government.
While we continue to give organizations such as the CRTC these wide ranging, unfettered powers which allow them the entire scope to dictate, enforce and impose their own vision of what they think the market wants, I sometimes have a great deal of difficulty agreeing with that.
I listened to the amendment put forth by the member for Mercier which says that it has to be consistent with the benefits of the Canadian public or words to that effect. I understand that it puts some constraint on the CRTC. I think the motion therefore is well deserving of its merit. It is time that we brought some of these organizations to account.
The fundamental debate of accountability is growing today. People are wrestling with how we can build that in to ensure that the government's programs and decisions truly reflect what the public wants and are not ossified in a situation where we are stuck with yesterday's decisions even though the opportunities and technology allow for far better ways to provide the same service to the general public.
That is what I am concerned about. I used to be a small business person and service, quality and price were always important to my clientele. As far as I am aware, these things are important to every Canadian who wants better service and better quality at less price, if that is at all possible.
I am concerned about this blanket sweeping authority that we are giving to the CRTC in Motion No. 10. It is time that we try to rein in these commissions which have been given this blanket authority to ensure that they are accountable also in some way, shape or form. They have to listen to people. They have an obligation to ensure that they are effective in the way that they do their business.
That is what I am saying about accountability. It is all pervasive. It is time that we looked at ways to ensure that the CRTC and other organizations meet the public demand.