Liberal law is right. It absolutely makes no sense at all.
In 1993 when all of us, every major party in this House, campaigned on law and order issues, it was running rampant then and it is running rampant now. I well remember in the 1993 campaign the Liberal candidate speaking on law and order. I can well remember the NDP and the Conservative candidates speaking on law and order, and myself as a Reformer speaking on law on order. It was one of the hottest topics in our constituency. We talked about what was happening in society, about how people were getting fed up and were afraid, and how the B and Es and the car thefts were escalating.
It was one of the hottest topics. Promises were given by all parties that we would start to address these issues, yet nothing has been done. Not a thing has been done to address these issues since I have sat in this House. It is escalating according to the police reports. Not according to our reports or their reports, but according to the police reports it is escalating and nothing is being done.
We have a chance with this bill to put a little bit of teeth into it. We have tried the soft approach. We are tired of trying it. The victims are tired of trying it. Many have been victimized more than once. We are sick and tired of the soft approach. It is not working and it is time we tried something different. We cannot be afraid to try something different when we know what we have tried is not working.
Billions of taxpayer dollars have been spent trying to address these problems and it has got us nowhere but an increase in crime. Even the government has to admit that. It has been an increase, not a decrease. So where is the government taking us? It is taking us down the road with absolutely no return. It will just keep escalating. We know that. The criminals know that because they have nothing to be afraid of.
Criminals will be sentenced for two or three crimes and all that will be served is one sentence. So what is there to be afraid of? Why would they not steal a vehicle to commit a crime? They are not going to get any more of a sentence for it. Nothing more is going to happen to them. Less will probably happen to them if they smash it up and run into somebody. That is just the way our system works. We have been led down the garden path far too long on the soft beating heart part of it.
If we really want to do something for our youth it is about time we started to protect them. It is the young people who suffer the most in stolen vehicle accidents. It is the young person who gets into a car that his friend has stolen. Half the time he or she does not even know it is stolen and they roll it. He or she is the innocent victim but nothing happens because of it.
We keep going down the route we have been going on for years and we keep losing our young people. We keep going to funerals because nobody has ever said that enough is enough. There is such a thing as tough love and it works in some cases. Believe me, it works. If I had been able to get away with everything when I was a youth, I hate to think where I would be today, maybe the Prime Minister.
This is the wrong attitude. It has totally gone out the window. The bill specifically states “in the use of crime”. Does the government not realize that a vehicle can be used as a deadly weapon? It is a deadly weapon especially in the commission of a crime when trying to make a getaway. It now becomes a lethal weapon. Probably more people have been killed accidents involving a vehicle in the commission of a crime than by any other weapon. It is a very dangerous weapon yet the government does not care.
The government says our system adequately addresses this. That is a joke. If it was being addressed, it would not be escalating the way it is. If it were not such a joke, they would be a little afraid of stealing the vehicle and using it. The police would not support this bill if the situation were not such a joke, such a sad thing. The police support this bill.
Some members do not support the bill yet they want to talk about law and order and about how well it is serving us. It is not serving us. Read the papers, see what is going on in this country. They should open their eyes, get out in the real world for a change and find out.
Talk to people who have had their vehicles stolen. Talk to people who get their vehicles back totally gutted out with nothing left. Talk to the person who has put years and years of work into a project like an old car just to have somebody rip it off, strip it and use it in the commission of a crime. Talk to some of those people for a change and find out exactly what they are going through. Members should not just get up and give us the bleeding heart syndrome that it works.