Mr. Speaker, yesterday in the province of Quebec voters again turned to the separatist government of the Parti Quebecois, or did they? I submit that Quebecers did not vote for Lucien Bouchard as much as they voted against status quo federalism. Polls indicate that the majority of Quebecers believe in Canada. However they have made it very clear that Confederation must be rejuvenated. This will not be an easy task.
The federal government has avoided it for over 30 years. Despite this terrible record members opposite can make their first steps in the right direction by voting in favour of the motion by the hon. member of South Surrey—White Rock—Langley, more importantly by beginning to create winning conditions for Canada.
Canada was formed into Confederation in 1867 at a time when the Constitution Act guaranteed the division of power between the federal and provincial governments. However, since that time the federal government has clawed back control over areas that rightfully belong to the provinces such as employment training, social services and education. Because of this, Quebec and other Canadian provinces alike continue to feel marginalized by the federal government.
In 1980 René Lévesque took Quebec to the polls in a bout on sovereignty. This was a wake up call to the House of Commons that the social union between the provinces and the federal government was not functioning. Still nothing was done to solve the problem. Instead the federal government under Liberal leader Pierre Trudeau continued to pick away at areas of provincial responsibility and attempted to impose the federal government's will in every facet of social spending.
The Constitution was repatriated to Canada in 1982 with great fanfare, much horn blowing and flag waving. Accords were appended at Meech Lake and in Charlottetown. By 1992 both these agreements had been defeated due to their fundamental failure to address the issues of provincial-federal relations. Worse still, neither of these agreements responded to the grassroots voices of Canadians.
Canadians rightfully rejected the Meech Lake and Charlottetown accords. At the time only the Reform Party stood against these backroom, made in Ottawa solutions to Canadian unity. I am proud of our record in this regard.
Inevitably in 1995 the Parti Quebecois launched a second vote on separation. Throughout the referendum campaign the Prime Minister led Canadians to believe he was not concerned or worried about the outcome. Canadians were loath to sleep because of these assurances. The Prime Minister was terribly wrong in this assessment of Quebecers' desire for change and we fortunately achieved a no victory by the narrowest of margins.
Why the history lesson? Because all these efforts have brought us exactly nowhere. As of Monday we again sit on Canada's break-up. The clock is ticking. Premier Bouchard is already at work in attempting to manufacture a yes vote in the next referendum. In the last 30 years federal politicians have talked around the issue of Quebec separation. They have never addressed the core problems of federal-provincial responsibility. This head in the sand approach has resulted in two referendums in succession, two failed constitutional accords and the growth of two full blown separatist parties in the Bloc Quebecois and Parti Quebecois.
The people of Quebec are clearly dissatisfied and the narrow margin of a no referendum victory in 1995 sent a very clear message of the vital need for real change in the country.
Not only Quebecers but British Columbians, Albertans and people from all provinces want greater control over the decisions which directly impact the economic, social and cultural fabric of their lives. The symbolic gestures of distinct society and regional vetoes that were made following the referendum vote have proven ineffective and irrelevant to resolving the crisis. In particular, the passing of Motion No. 26 recognizing Quebec as a distinct society demonstrated a blatant disregard for the wishes of Canadians who had twice expressed their opposition to such recognition in Meech Lake and Charlottetown. It had no affect on the desire of sovereignists to separate.
The Reform Party has consistently set out to resolve these problems, not with empty rhetoric and bind faith, not with rolling dice in backroom deals. We have proposed substantive and workable change in the Canadian federation.
In January 1996 we published “20/20: A Vision for The Future of Canada”. This document outlined 20 realities to secession so that the federal government would be prepared to face future threats of separation. More important, we provided 20 proposals for a new confederation. I believe these proposals were the beginning of creating winning conditions for Canada.
In May 1988 the Reform Party again proposed changes to modernize the Canadian government when we introduced the new Canada act. To date the government has taken no action on any of these recommendations. We cannot afford to sit on our hands any longer.
The motion of the floor of the House today speaks to the heart of these matters. If passed it would be the first real step in achieving a fair relationship between the federal and provincial governments from coast to coast. It is not specifically designed for Quebec, nor should it be. However, the framework put forward today addresses key concerns on the minds of people both in and out of Quebec.
There is an understanding among all 10 premiers and both territorial leaders that health care is a top priority. The Parti Quebecois of Quebec, the NDP Government of Saskatchewan, the Conservative Government of Alberta, the Liberal Government of New Brunswick all have called for greater input into the provision of social services. The widespread support for the Calgary declaration should have been used as a springboard for this government to tackle some of the outstanding problems in federal-provincial relations. Instead it sat largely untouched and unused.
The motion on the floor today addresses many of the concerns Canadians have been expressing across the country. It provides a framework of discussion that will lead to a bilateral, universally accepted social union between different levels of government and remove uncertainty facing Canadians. It will provide direction for legislation that can address a wide range of outstanding issues on health care and constitutional reform. Currently there is no federal-provincial dispute resolution process.
As mentioned earlier, the Constitution Act, 1867 guarantees the right of provinces to provide these services. Despite this, the federal government has consistently pursued a policy that has limited the input of provincial authorities. We cannot continue to unilaterally dictate the terms of social union and provincial authorities and expect co-operation under the terms of Confederation. We must establish a framework for open discussion and equal footing.
I am from British Columbia. I state for the record that I am dismayed with the performance of the present provincial government. It has helped to drive British Columbia to the brink of financial ruin. Nurses threaten widespread picketing and doctors continue job action. They are critically understaffed. But the federal government is equally culpable. B.C. is like all provinces handcuffed by the $7 billion removed from health care transfers. This motion lays the framework for legislation that will ensure that when the federal government promises to pay 50% of program costs the promises will be kept. Without this blind assurance, the long term planning of health, social welfare and educational budgets is impossible.
Currently the federal government is the prosecutor, the judge and the jury of any disputes. British Columbia, Alberta and Quebec have all been forced to structure their social welfare programs within very strict guidelines despite the federal government's ability to unilaterally reduce funding through the Canada health and social transfer.
All provinces are not the same. However, all provinces must be treated equally and fairly by providing realistic and mutually acceptable approaches to the participation or non-participation of provinces in Canada and Canada's social programs. This motion gives more latitude in the provision of social care.
The government is focused on the December 31 date. I hear it over and over again.
This is the beginning. We are saying it has to get the framework in place. Obviously the details would be ironed out down the road. We have to make it happen and there has to be a target date. It is nonsense to say we will solve everything. But the entire framework and how it is to happen has to be in place. It is very achievable.
Historically the federal government has guarded this right zealously. However, it has not provided provinces the ability to operate creatively within this framework. The motion today provides that opportunity.
We have an opportunity today to put a positive step forward and engage the provinces in a meaningful manner, a way that does not require constitutional amendments nor placing any one province in an unequal position to that of the others.
The motion on the floor today proposes a social union between the provinces and the federal government. It would create a mechanism to constructively move this process forward. It would give British Columbia a greater say in social policy. It would give Newfoundland fair and even footing with dealing with Ottawa. And yes, it would provide the Quebec people with the greater control they seek without separation.
This motion does all these things from a position of equality and openness. It will provide the blueprint for a secure social safety net and a more solid foundation for the Canadian federation.
I encourage all members of the House to vote in favour of it and to help ensure that Canada, which we are rightfully proud of, will be intact and stable for our children.