Mr. Speaker, that is where the Minister of Health and the government are being intellectually dishonest. They are misstating fact.
The fact is tests existed prior to 1986. Perhaps the tests as far as the Americans were concerned began in 1986. But Germany and other jurisdictions had tests. There were mechanisms. There were opportunities available to Canada in order to prevent the tragedy that occurred.
Regardless, we should be looking at a no fault system. We should not be looking at laying blame at the feet of an agency or government. We should understand that this is the largest medical tragedy in the history of Canada. We should be focusing our attention on providing compassionate and fair compensation to those who are suffering or will suffer as a result.
I urge the government to look at the Irish example, to look at the way the Irish government is treating innocent victims. It is making generous compensation available to all victims of hepatitis C regardless of when they contracted it as a result of the blood system. That is the model. That is the fair and compassionate way the government should follow.