Madam Speaker, I thank you for that point. However, I intend to use the latitude I need to discuss these issues.
Bill C-3 does provide a dangerous and unnecessary exemption authorizing judges not to issue warrants for the taking of a sample if they believe that in doing so the impact on the individual's privacy and security would be grossly disproportionate to the public interest in the protection of society.
As it stands, Bill C-3 now is a hindrance to more effective law enforcement and a safer society. Those responsible for shaping our justice system continue to express a willingness to place the lives and the safety of innocent people in jeopardy.
Whether by paroling violent offenders who go on to rape and murder again or by freeing convicted violent offenders through conditional sentencing or by tying our police officers hands through Bill C-3, the safety of society it would seem is a secondary issue for the Liberal government.
I know the government is a little apprehensive about the invasion of privacy and to a certain degree I am as well. Privacy is an issue I have studied. It is an issue that concerns me greatly. However, it seems there is a point when we must also take into consideration first of all the protection of society.
I feel this tool if it is to be used effectively can do this. We want to do more good than harm in getting violent offenders off the street. There has to be a balance between respecting the rights of innocent individuals and the protection of society from violent and repeat offenders.
We have to be certain that the rights of innocent individuals are not trampled on. Innocents have a right too. This must be clearly taken into consideration.
And so we see there is a fine line between infringing on the rights of the individual and one who has committed a crime, especially serious violent crimes. When someone commits a crime they have violated the societal laws and therefore should not be subject to the same rights and privileges as others in society. By their actions they have in a sense lost the right to those privileges.
I feel the government has forgotten this and that those criminals should not still enjoy the same rights and privileges as those of us who have not committed crimes, in some cases jeopardizing the safety of the rest of society as a result.