Mr. Speaker, before I get into the text of my remarks, because there are no questions and comments for the first three speakers in this morning's debate, I would like to refer briefly to some of the comments made by the Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister of Justice, the member for Erie—Lincoln.
I note at the outset that the member's speech is virtually identical to the speech of the minister herself when she spoke to the bill on March 22. One of the member's colleagues across the floor just heckled and said, “Why not?” I am trying to point out to anyone who would care to assess the situation that there is a pat Liberal line to this. Quite simply the parliamentary secretary, the member for Erie—Lincoln, merely read what the minister said. He probably had her speech sent to him, changed a few things and then stood up and presented it as his own position.
The hon. member said that first and foremost the bill is to protect society. He went on to talk about consequences, of which there are very few in the legislation. He talked about a new regime, when everyone who studies the bill and compares it to the Young Offenders Act knows it is the same old crap that is merely dressed up and put forward with a new name. It does not change anything. The member said that the government is not prepared to criminalize 10 and 11 year olds. He went on to say in his remarks that the minister listened and consulted with Canadians from coast to coast and listened to the words of her own standing committee, a Liberal dominated standing committee I might add.
What we find is that the government did not listen at all. Yes it consulted and went through the motions of listening, but when we look at what is in Bill C-3, we see that it is just the same old stuff. I say at the outset that not much has changed.
I am honoured to rise today on behalf of the official opposition to address this important issue of youth justice. Reforming the Young Offenders Act was one of the cornerstones of the Reform Party's movement. It is an issue close to the hearts of thousands of concerned Canadians, many of them victims, or the families of victims which of course makes them victims as well.
The role of a responsible government is to listen to the concerns of its citizens and to respond promptly with legislation that is fair, effective and in the best interests of those same citizens. The role of a responsible opposition is to critique the actions of the government, to offer support in areas of agreement, to criticize the areas where we disagree and to offer constructive alternatives to resolve those areas of disagreement.
I intend to address the status of youth crime in Canada, identify the areas in which Canadians want change, commend the minister on those areas addressed in this bill, bring to her attention the areas of the bill that do not live up to the expectations of Canadians and list the changes Reform wants to see in the bill. Those changes will be moved as amendments in committee.
I will first discuss the state of youth crime in Canada. I have spoken many times in the Chamber about communicating with my constituents through a weekly newspaper column. I began writing this column long before I became an MP. I have written several times on the issue of youth crime, approximately 10 times over the past seven years. The response to these columns has been overwhelming in support of the changes Reform has been advocating for well over a decade.
In my column of February 10, 1993, about eight months before I was elected for the first time to the House, I said:
What greatly disturbs me is not just the increase in the number of crimes being committed by our young but their apparent total disregard for authority. Almost daily we can find instances where truly heinous crimes are committed by these young people with no outward signs of remorse. In fact quite the opposite, because they know their punishment will be very minor, if any, they actually boast of their crimes and how they're above the law.
In my view this attitude has been created and laws presume that criminals are not really “bad” people but rather simply products of “bad” social conditions. Why is it most of us believe we live in the best country on earth and yet we persist in mollycoddling our criminals because it's not really their fault they do the things they do?
The Reform Party believes that our justice system must place the punishment of crime and the protection of law-abiding citizens and their property ahead of all other objectives. This is not to say that other objectives such as the protection of the rights of the accused or rehabilitation of criminals, are unimportant. It is simply to say that protection of society is the reason for having a criminal justice system in the first place.
It is amazing that these words were written almost seven years ago and that nothing substantial has been done to fix the problem. Canadians are fed up with young people who have no regard for authority, the community or the law. These young people need to be taught that there are consequences to their actions. In my opinion, the YOA created more criminals than it ever cured.
Let us be honest. The majority of us were not angels growing up. I believe that sometimes kids must be kids. In about a week it will be Hallowe'en which traditionally is a time when kids like to play pranks. It comes from the very statement children make when they come to our doors, trick or treat. If we do not give out a treat we might get a trick played on us.
I remember being a youngster growing up in rural Canada, in northern British Columbia. We used to like to go around, tip over the odd outhouse, soap a car's windshield and things like that. The reality is that we have moved far beyond that over the past 30 or 40 years. Now we see outright acts of vandalism because of a gradual deterioration of consequences for criminal activity.
It is not the pranks that are the problem. It is the crimes that erode communities, damage property and destroy families. It is the acts of violence that strike fear in the hearts of the elderly and the children who endure the harassment and brutality of a generation held unaccountable for its actions. It is the families that hold dear the memories of lost loved ones and the scars of a justice system that slaps the wrists of young offenders who beat, rape or murder.
In my home province of British Columbia, the names of Reena Virk, Dawn Shaw, and Trygve Magnusson represent just a few victims who died at the hands of violent youth. Their senseless deaths demand laws from the government that punish and deter those who commit violent acts and provide mandatory rehabilitation programs during incarceration.
On the subject of those types of cases, I am reminded of something that seems to be quite new in our society, tragically. It has been referred to in different newspaper articles as swarming. This is where children, for no apparent reason, band together as a group and kick some unfortunate person to death or stab someone in a wanton act of violence. Something serious must be done about this. We cannot continue to allow these acts of random violence by youths to go unpunished with a slap on the wrist. Because these people who commit these crimes are young or are teenagers, they end up serving only a few months in incarceration, if that. It is not right that there are no consequences.
Young people naturally think they are invulnerable. Some would argue that this is due to inexperience or an inability to understand the consequences. This may be true for some, but many young offenders are fully aware of the limits of the law and feel they have a free ticket to do as they please until they turn 18. Police officers themselves tell me stories of kids who say, “You cannot touch me, I am only 14. What are you going to do about it?”
This attitude is the direct result of the Young Offenders Act. A piece of legislation intended to give troubled kids a second chance at a successful future has become a means of abetting criminal behaviour. The Young Offenders Act failed to establish a deterrent to crime and, I would suggest, it helped promote it. The tragedies of Taber, Alberta, Columbine High School in Colorado and several other places are horrific reminders of just how bad things can get and how vulnerable we are to senseless acts of violence whether by youth or adults.
The emergence of video games, the Internet and the subject matter emphasized on television, movies and music dictate that parents, society and government must work together to establish parameters for our children. As parents, we must take an active role in screening what our kids see and do and intervene before things get out of hand.
The role of society is to establish standards by consensus and ensure that these standards are represented in the laws passed by our governments. I believe the government's role in this is twofold; first, to provide a justice system that protects society, truly deters crime and rehabilitates criminals; and second, it must address and repair social flaws, dysfunctional families, economic hardships and deficiencies within the education system through effective programs.
It is important to state that it is not the role of the justice system to fix the social inadequacies of society. That has been the major fault with the Young Offenders Act. Its purpose was to deter people from breaking the law and to punish and rehabilitate those who do.
I would like to move on to what Canadians want changed. It is interesting that the minister chose to add the word justice to this act because that is exactly what Canadians want. They want justice. They want sentences to be just, to balance the need to protect society by deterring and punishing crime with the need to rehabilitate offenders and get them back on track. There are no shortcuts to this goal.
There is no greater deterrent than fear of the consequences. Young offenders laugh in the face of authority due to the lack of deterrents. That must change.
Canadians have waited a long time for the government to deliver on their promise to make youth justice a priority and to deliver a youth justice system that actually works. Canadians want: first, sentences to fit the crime; second, violent criminals removed from society; third, effective crime prevention programs; fourth, safe schools; fifth, younger children brought into the system; sixth, older teens and violent criminals to face adult court; seventh, names of violent sexual assault criminals to be published; eighth, the rights of victims to be paramount to that of the criminal irrespective of age.
That is what Canadians are looking for. That is what we hear daily when we consult with them. That is what the government heard, if only it would listen and respond appropriately with meaningful legislation.
It will not take long, but I would like to briefly address what we agree with in Bill C-3.
While much of the bill is a reconstituted YOA there are a few notable changes. These were outlined by the hon. member for Surrey North when he spoke to the bill the last time it was introduced. Anyone interested in a thorough analysis of the issue of youth justice and the bill should look up his speech in Hansard , March 22, 1999. I strongly recommend that people should look up that speech and read it.
I am disappointed that the bill was reintroduced in the same form it was the last time, with only technical changes. The mere fact that the bill languished for months on the Order Paper is a testament to the level of priority the government gives it.
When the House prorogued and the bill was still on the Order Paper, I rather foolishly hoped that the government had seen the light and would have introduced a new version that better represented the concerns of Canadians, the concerns that I just outlined.
Aside from that, there are some small victories in the bill for Canadians. The increased emphasis on police discretion will ensure that minor youth indiscretions can be addressed by police officers with warnings rather than laying charges. This initiative was proposed by the hon. member for Crowfoot in his minority report.
The minister makes a big deal out of dealing with violent and non-violent offenders differently. I believe this is an excellent initiative as well, but it was also outlined in the Reform minority report.
Young people who commit non-violent crimes are more suitable for programs such as diversion, restorative justice and community service. It is not necessary to remove these individuals from society, only to ensure that they learn the error of their ways and develop a healthy respect for authority and the law.
In March 1995, in response to the first so-called changes to the Young Offenders Act that the now health minister made in Bill C-37, I wrote in my newspaper column the following:
Our justice system must distinguish between young, first time offenders who commit minor crimes and those who engage in habitual or violent criminal behaviour with no respect for property or even life itself. Despite what some advocates would have us believe, not all young offenders who commit non-violent property crimes are harmless. Many are already habitual criminals with no moral conscience and a warped value system. They do not understand why they should respect the lives and property of other Canadians.
These youth need to know the punishment for their crimes will not be a slap on the wrist like raking leaves at the local park on weekends. These youth need a stronger reason to think before stealing another car. We need to strike a balance between deterrents and accountability, between punishment and rehabilitation.
Most non-violent offenders are excellent candidates for alternative measures, such as conditional sentences, for they pose little or no threat to society, only a need for restitution.
The third area I would like to commend the minister for including is the issue of holding parents and legal guardians responsible for breaches of court ordered conditions by an offender under their care. This initiative was introduced by the hon. member for Surrey North in his private member's bill, Bill C-210, in the first session of this parliament. I know he is not seeking acknowledgement for that, but I certainly know he deserves it.
I want to commend the minister for taking the first steps in publishing the names of those young offenders who commit serious crimes, although I am not convinced that the minister is going to actually get that accomplished. In her speech on Bill C-68, Bill C-3's forerunner, on March 22, 1999 she had the following to say about the publication of names:
The names of 14 to 17 year olds given a youth sentence for murder, attempted murder, manslaughter, aggravated assault or repeat violent offences could be published in certain circumstances.
What does that mean? The use of words like “could” and “certain circumstances” did not give the impression that the minister is serious about this matter. She has once again abdicated her responsibility to the lawyers and the courts. These may be loopholes that she as a lawyer would like to see in legislation, but I can tell her that these words are the last thing that victims of crimes and their families want to see in legislation.
Referring to the minister's comments in Hansard that day, I would also draw attention to another comment she made in referring to the publication of names. She said:
The debate on this issue essentially involves two legitimate and competing values,
I heard the parliamentary secretary say much the same thing in his remarks a few minutes ago.
the need to encourage rehabilitation by avoiding the negative effect of the publicity on youth versus the need for greater openness and transparency in the justice system.
Let us look at this. She referred to the need to encourage rehabilitation by avoiding the negative effect of the publication on our youth. I would contend, and I think most Canadians would contend, that in some way the only thing that is going to rehabilitate these youngsters is if their peers and their community know who is committing the crimes. If their name is perhaps splashed on the front page of the paper when they commit a violent crime like this, they will be held accountable by their community, their peers, their parents and their families. It would be a bit of an embarrassment factor if nothing else. I think it is very misguided to state that.
Young people themselves are among the most outspoken, demanding the necessary change to the publication ban. If for no other reason than to protect the majority from the minority, our young people must know the identity of their violent peers.
I will move on to what the Reform Party recommended. I will begin by congratulating two of my colleagues for the tremendous amount of work and time they have dedicated to the issue: the member for Crowfoot, who just yesterday reintroduced a private member's bill on this very issue; and, the member for Surrey North, whose tragic life experiences and need to implement change in this area motivated him to actually run as a member of parliament.
I will pause and remark that I am blessed with a son who is 16 years old right now. That is the very age that Jesse Cadman was when his life was tragically snuffed out by a young offender. As a parent who also has two daughters aged 20 and 18, I do not want to imagine the horror of finding one of my children murdered. I worry about it every night and pray to God that my children are safe. I cannot understand a government that turns its back on so many senseless deaths and does not bring forward meaningful legislation.
As a member of the justice committee, the member for Crowfoot travelled across Canada hearing from concerned Canadians frustrated by the system. It is puzzling to think that Liberal members heard the very same testimony but only Reform party's recommendations reflect the concerns of Canadians. The Liberal recommendations reflected the concerns and interests of the justice minister and her bureaucrats.
The following are just some of the recommendations the Reform party presented in its minority report: first, make the protection of society the first and guiding principle of youth justice; second, allow police officers to use discretion in resolving minor incidents without laying charges; third, lower the maximum age of the youth justice act from 17 to 15 years of age; fourth, lower the minimum age limit of the youth justice act from 12 to 10 years of age; fifth, differentiate between non-violent and violent crimes; sixth, increase the maximum length of all sentences; seventh, youth facilities need mandatory rehabilitative programs; eighth, minimum six month probation after all prison sentences; ninth, move all 14 and 15 year old violent offenders automatically to adult court while limiting all other transfers; tenth, the person who commits two or more violent offences must be designated a dangerous offender; eleventh, allow for community based juvenile committees in every jurisdiction for non-violent and first time offenders; twelfth, establish federal standards for alternative measures with well defined parameters; thirteenth, publicize the names of violent young offenders, all of them and not just some of them; fourteenth, adult young offender records to be treated the same as those of adults; and fifteenth, require parents or legal guardians to appear at all court proceedings.
I would like to highlight the recommendations calling for the reduction of the minimum age to 10 years old and the recommendation referring to alternative measures, as they are of particular importance to me.
The minister and members opposite have portrayed Reform members as mean and nasty because we want to lower the minimum age to 10 years old. I have news for the minister. Despite her accusations, Reform would never lock up 10 year olds, throw away the key and feed them bread and water. Nothing could be further from the truth.
However, by including 10 year olds in the legislation the government would be protecting these youngsters from those who use them to perpetrate crimes. Many drug dealers use 10 and 11 year olds to sell drugs for two reasons. One is access to other kids. The other is because 10 year olds are exempt from the law. These kids are targets and their participation is a crisis on the rise, especially in lower mainland of B.C.
The minister refuses to acknowledge that the provinces and the police were interested in these changes and that even the Liberal dominated standing committee supported the idea. It was a recommendation from their own standing committee.
Bringing 10 year olds under the act is a head start to setting them on the right path from a early age. Sadly too many kids are experienced criminals by the time they reach 12 years old and by then it is almost too late to set them straight.
Another recommendation is alternative measures. Alternative measures include several initiatives such as diversion, restorative justice and community service. I am most interested in what is known as conditional sentencing because this is a particular area of critic responsibility for me.
There have been a number of horror stories from adult courts regarding the use of conditional sentences. I state emphatically that those convicted of violent crimes, whether adult or child, must not be given conditional sentences. It is imperative that violent offenders be removed from our society to protect society and provide punishment and rehabilitation and thus a deterrent.
What is conditional sentencing? Conditional sentencing is a criminal code amendment giving judges the authority to impose a sentence to be served in the community. This means the offender would not go to jail but would remain living at home and going on with his or her daily routine of work or school under certain conditions. That is the title.
When does it apply? Conditional sentencing applies in cases where an offender would have normally been sentenced to less than two years in custody. This amendment was the attempt of the Liberals to ease the burden on Canada's overcrowded prisons.
Conditional sentences were never intended to be used in violent crime cases. However the sentencing guidelines are vague and have been interpreted to include all crimes. In an August 1997 decision the B.C. Court of Appeal stated that “if parliament had intended to exclude certain offences from consideration under section 742.1 it could have done so in clear language ”.
Many judges have interpreted this law broadly, allowing violent offenders to serve their sentences in the community. Judges have handed down conditional sentences for crimes such as sexual assault, impaired driving, rape and even murder.
Our communities are at risk. I will cite a few examples. In Montreal three men were given 18 month conditional sentences after raping a 16 year old pregnant women and holding her upside down from a balcony. The judge thought that this was part of their culture.
In Winnipeg a youth previously convicted of theft and seven armed robberies and on temporary leave from a Manitoba youth centre received a one year conditional sentence and three years probation for the drive-by shooting of a 13 year old. This is horrific.
In Edmonton a 57 year old man who swung a machete at a 21 year old male, cutting his face and cutting a third of his ear off, got 240 hours of community service and a curfew for that crime.
In Orleans, close to home here, Paul Gervais confessed to sexually assaulting nine boys. He got a two year conditional sentence and a curfew. He is serving his sentence at home.
In Ottawa, right here in the nation's capital, Robert Turcotte strangled his mother to death. He received a two year conditional sentence, 100 hours of community service and a midnight curfew.
The Liberal government's conditional sentencing law allows some convicted violent criminals to serve their sentences in the community, not in prison. What message does this send? It sends the message that in our justice system there are minor consequences for major, serious crimes. Eighty-four per cent of Canadians believe that people convicted of violent offences should be ineligible for conditional sentences, according to a recent national poll.
Amending the legislation is as simple as changing one clause. If the justice minister really wanted to change the law she could do so in one day with the co-operation of the House. Rather than responding to the clear will of Canadians she prefers to let the courts decide these issues.
I am about to reintroduce my private member's bill which lists the crimes that if passed would be excluded from consideration for conditional sentencing.
Along with a large majority of Canadians we support amending the criminal code to exclude dangerous crimes from conditional sentencing eligibility. Someone convicted of a dangerous crime, including murder, manslaughter, armed robbery, kidnapping, sexual assault, assault, domestic violence and drug trafficking, should be ineligible for conditional sentencing.
A recent survey of 450 Canadian judges revealed that 80% of them were leery of imposing conditional sentences due to lack of supervision. They are effectively giving criminals a slap on the wrist. If we cannot supervise criminals we cannot protect society from their acts.
If a child commits a violent crime and causes pain and hardship for another person, what lesson is learned from being grounded? We are not talking about a minor incident of shoplifting or a minor incident of vandalism, perhaps by a temporary wayward child. We are talking about serious crimes. Being grounded is effectively what a conditional sentence is because it limits freedom. That is all it does. How can those who have been injured by a youth feel justified if the offender is allowed to go home and play Nintendo or watch television?
What about other youth who see the lenient sentence handed down to their friend for hurting someone else? What have they learned? Will they consider the consequences prior to committing a crime? The answer is no, because that is what the YOA did and that is what Bill C-3 will continue. It will not change that.
The minister must learn from the mistakes of conditional sentencing for adults and ensure that those mistakes are not repeated with our youth through the legislation.
I want to move on to the minister's actions. As I just mentioned there are three initiatives in the bill which address the concerns of Canadians. I have to wonder what the heck took so long when there are only three.
The justice minister was appointed 864 days ago when she stated that the overhauling of the Young Offenders Act was her top priority and that changes were to be made in a timely fashion. The bill is on pace to hit 1,000 days. I guess we should all be thankful that this is her priority.
The figure of 864 days seems like a pretty obscure one and it does not mean much. It is just a statistic. What significance does it serve? In the 864 days Canadians have been waiting for new youth crime legislation, which they were hoping would include deterrents, over 30,000 violent crimes have left more than 30,000 victims in their wake. That is about 34 violent crimes per day and unfortunately Bill C-3, about which the government is so busy bragging, misses the mark and provides little in terms of real solutions like most justice initiatives of the government. In order for Bill C-3 to be deemed a success it must stand up to one test, and one test only: Does it address the concerns of Canadians?
I will run through them again. Do sentences fit the crime? No. Are violent criminals removed from society? Not likely. Does it implement effective crime prevention programs? Some. Will our schools be safer? No. Are younger children brought into the system? No. Do older teens and violent criminals face adult court? At the discretion of the courts they may. Will the names of violent and sexual assault criminals be published? Maybe. Are the rights of victims paramount to those of criminals? No. They are not.
In conclusion, I am informing the House that the official opposition is, reluctantly I might add because we have waited as long as Canadians have waited for the legislation, unable to support the bill without serious amendments. Our members on the justice committee will be moving amendments that are in the best interest of public safety, deterrence and rehabilitation respectively.
I can just hear the minister in future question periods when asked why violent young criminals are still out reoffending due to lenient sentencing. The minister will probably say something like the government made significant changes to Canada's youth justice system but the Reform Party voted against them.
Let me set the record straight right at the outset. Bill C-3 is deeply flawed. It is not good enough for Canadians who have waited so long. The legislation does not go far enough to protect society. It does not include any measures to ensure mandatory participation in meaningful rehabilitation programs.
The minister again has brought forward a bill that is full of loopholes and allows lawyers and judges to maintain the status quo when it comes to youth justice. Status quo is not what Canadians were hoping or praying for in the area of youth justice.
In summary, Bill C-3 is not good enough. It is not good enough for the Reform Party of Canada. It is not good enough for Canadians, and most important it is not good enough for our youth who cried out the loudest for change. Bill C-3 is simply not good enough.