Mr. Speaker, I rise to speak in support of Motion No. 300. We highlight job creation in the motion. That is a basic belief of the hon. member who placed this before us.
If this country takes the leading edge in addressing its federal responsibilities we would be creating development into high tech expertise. This expertise could be exported to federal buildings throughout the world.
We have a similar climate to European countries, circumpolar countries and countries with boreal forests. The high tech expertise we would practice and use under the federal buildings program could generate opportunities in long term employment and investment back into our communities and industries.
There are about 50,000 federally owned buildings in this country. In retrofitting these buildings through the federal buildings initiation and the many departments that would be investing, my colleague from Winnipeg Centre is correct in calling on the House to recognize that this buildings initiative can work but it has to be accelerated. In about five years we have had about 100 buildings that have been addressed. We have to address 50,000 buildings. We have to accelerate this program. That is the challenge before us.
This motion is asking that the federal government undertake its responsibilities on the properties it owns and make them energy efficient and in the process address the unemployment regions, the training of the many trades that would be affected in all regions of Canada. There should be an equitable program, not just located in certain urban centres. These buildings are in all corners of Canada.
Canada's international commitment as highlighted in the Kyoto protocol was targeted at a 6% reduction from 1990. Since 1990 we have increased greenhouse gas emissions up to 13%. That is a total of 19%. Almost 20% has to be targeted now. That is almost a quarter out of all our initiatives that we have to take from here on in.
This initiative has to be taken seriously by all Canadians. We listen to members who say the federal government cannot take leadership. It cannot take leadership behind closed doors. Leadership has to be shown by example, as this motion is saying. The federal government could show example by retrofitting its own buildings and leadership by taking the question to Canadians.
We have 12 issue tables that have been formulated by the greenhouse gas and Kyoto protocol secretariat. Those are closed debates. None of these members of parliament are participating.
We represent our communities. None of the residents in my constituency are taking part in these debates. These are industry debates.
The industry is protecting its interests. It has put its foot down directly on what will impact on the Kyoto protocol but this protocol is well on its way.
The scientific reality is this target is not even adequate enough to address the economic disaster we will create for our children to come.
Aside from employment and environmental opportunities, I think what we need to do since it is a millennium project as well that could be coined is to prepare our youth.
These buildings are age old, rusting, moulding. Let us recreate the future for our children but have them do it. We have young people who are represented through visiting this House, visiting museums, visiting the many art galleries throughout the country and these buildings are going to be renewed.
We have a new building up recently, the home of the Maple Leafs, the gardens. It is the last of the old arenas from the original six. These things cannot be retrofitted to a point that they have to be rebuilt as well. They need to be completely redone. That is the challenge here as well.
The hon. member has challenged us to extend the life of these buildings by retrofitting them. It is a challenge to check out new technologies so that when we get to building the new buildings, when we build the new structures, the technologies are tried and proven.
We went to Kyoto. Members accompanied our delegation. We were shown in Japan the high tech initiatives of solar energy. Anything that faced the sun had a photovoltaic cell. It captures enough power to power all their computers when they operate. It is continuous power to generate any power need they want in this building as long as the sun is shining. Even though there are clouds it still collects the power.
If we do not capitalize on these leading edge technologies, we will be buying Japanese technology. Why can we not buy Canadian technology, invest in it now so that we can sell it worldwide?
When I was growing up there was a concept in Popular Science , geothermal energy. My vision of geothermal was that someone sticks a pipe far down into the ground to the hot rock. They could heat their water and get it up here. That was my imagination, down to the centre of the earth. It came out in a movie. Actually geothermal goes only a few feet below. It works the same way a refrigerator works. There is a heat pump. It is exchanged and then pumps can be run just below the permafrost. In the farther north, they have to go a little deeper but it is also available. It is just a few degrees. The heat can be captured and circulated in the home.
We talked about Toyota coming on the Hill just before the year was over and the Minister of Natural Resources was riding around in a hybrid car built by Toyota. I challenged the minister to bring up vehicle designed by a farmer in southern Saskatchewan. He designed his own electrical vehicle.
Why does it have to be labelled Toyota? Why can it not be Canadian made? Why can it not be made in Canada? It is. There is one in Saskatchewan. We saw it on CBC. It woke me up during the Christmas holidays. A man designed his own battery powered car.
That is the creation. That is the energy of Canada that makes our country great. We have minds that have travelled to see the world. We have technology, theoretical and academic experience in our engineering departments of universities. Why do we not challenge these as a Canadian leader since our budgets are in place for the federal departments? The budgets are filled every year to consume energy. Why not take a portion of the consumed energy and invest it for retrofitting to save energy? As long as energy is being saved there is investment into our youth to broaden their minds and experience and to create a major job experience for them into the future.
Regarding district heating I want to address a federal program that came through an initiative by a Cree community, Oujé-Bougoumou. It will be a community highlighted for the retrofitting and energy saving initiatives in northern James Bay Cree. They will be the highlight of Bonn, Germany in the next expo as a village of the future. Here is a northern community to be highlighted internationally. It was initiated by a federal department that listened to a community that wanted to address its problems of high energy costs. Let us challenge ourselves into the new millennium. I congratulate the hon. member for bringing this worthwhile cause to the House.