Madam Speaker, it is with pleasure that I rise today to speak on the equalization renewal package.
The equalization renewal package on the surface is positive for most of the beneficiary provinces receiving equalization payments, with the exception of Manitoba which will receive less money as a result of these changes.
In general, the suggested changes include changes in the treatment of general and miscellaneous sales tax, lottery and gaming revenues, forestry revenues, mineral resources, miscellaneous provincial and local tax revenues and also gasoline and fuel tax, hospital and medical insurance premiums, oil revenues, natural gas revenues, payroll taxes, property taxes and sale of crown leases. These are some of the changes that are in the calculation of equalization which are taken into account in this new package. I am going to focus on a couple which I do have some concerns with.
One is on the lottery and gaming revenues. The government is moving to treat casino revenues similarly to lottery ticket revenues. Previously only the lottery revenues were considered. I have concerns with this for a couple of reasons.
One is that casino revenues often bear significant social costs to the provinces, with respect to the costs to health and social programs. In Nova Scotia I have seen the impact of the casinos in Halifax and Sydney. Frankly it is my own personal belief that unless casinos are successful in attracting people from outside a particular area, there is extremely high social costs in terms of gambling addiction. In some cases there has been loss of people's entire monthly incomes. There are costs to families in the increases in things like spousal abuse and marriage break-up.
Health costs are provincially borne costs. These changes would effectively mean that the federal government would be considering more casino revenue than it had previously. Thus provinces would be penalized for their casino revenue. I would argue that in the future casino revenues, when considered and balanced against the negatives, the social costs and the health costs, are dubious at best in terms of their benefit and their sustainability in the long term.
I have some concerns about that particularly in light of the government's irresponsibly slashing health care and the CHST since 1993 to the tune of over $6 billion. I would argue that it is short-sighted to consider these casino revenues. From a long term perspective the sustainability of that revenue stream is questionable and the benefits are at best dubious.
There are some concerns from our provincial counterparts relative to natural gas revenues, for instance offshore natural gas revenues and offshore oil revenues for some of the provinces affected. Be it Nova Scotia or Newfoundland, the opportunities for Nova Scotians, Newfoundlanders or Atlantic Canadians to bootstrap themselves into some level of prosperity in the 21st century is largely contingent on these revenues. We should be very careful not to create through changes in equalization a clawback that effectively eliminates and reduces significantly the benefits from the steps forward being made by these provinces.
We have to be very careful that in our haste to respond to the critics of equalization we do not eliminate the basic goals of equalization, that is to enable provinces and citizens in have not provinces not just to compete but to succeed in a global environment. I would argue that those natural resource revenues are pivotal and very important to those provinces.
We have to recognize the importance of equalization within Canada. It is a cornerstone of Canada's social policy. It is something we should be proud of as a country. It is difficult to take a country of some 30 million people spread out over a massive geographic land mass and try to create some semblance of equality of opportunity.
While there are people who will be critical of everything that has been done by previous governments, I would argue that one thing we have done in Canada that is quite unique and quite extraordinary is to create at least some semblance of equality of opportunity in almost every corner of the country. That is something we should be proud of.
I grew up in a rural part of Nova Scotia, in an area where there was not a significant level of opportunity but where there was a sound education system and a health care system that worked, albeit the health care system has been gutted in recent years due to draconian cuts from our federal counterparts. The quality of the education and health care system helped to equalize the opportunity for me and for other Nova Scotians. We are not looking for and no Canadian should believe in some type of policy that promises equality of outcome.
In the past governments have made the mistake of trying to protect regions of the country from the risks of the future. In doing so with successive social program spending and reinvestment there have been times when governments, in trying to protect for instance Atlantic Canadians from the risks of the future, have unwittingly prevented Atlantic Canadians from participating fully in the opportunities of the future. That is something we have to be very careful of.
We should be equally careful that we do not capitulate to the critics of equalization who claim somehow this is a handout that is unjustified and unfair to any Canadian. Equality of opportunity is something that makes Canada unique. We should treasure it as Canadians and be prepared to defend it.
It is important to recognize as well that the federal government has a leadership role to play in creating equality of opportunity across the country, but equalization does not go far enough. I am talking about the federal government taking a leadership role in some of the issues that are within provincial jurisdiction but where the federal government could play a role in working with the provinces to ensure better quality services.
In the last federal election our party had as part of its platform a call for national testing in education. Recognizing that is in the provincial jurisdiction, the plan we called for was actually an optional plan that provinces could opt in or out of. It would at least raise the bar across the country where parents in any region of the country could demand and ask to know why their student or child did not test well relative to a student in another area, or why the education system was failing one area of the country and succeeding in another area.
Parents, students and everyone in Canada want to know where their education system stands up. It is not equalization or strictly a financial area but it is a leadership area that the federal government could play by implementing and working with the provinces to develop a system of national testing such that we could see an increase in the quality and excellence which could be provided by primary and secondary education systems across Canada.
We need to take a serious look at federal programs, for instance the millennium scholarship fund. Before the government even had a surplus, when there was just a vague whiff of a surplus, it chose to invest $2.5 billion in the millennium scholarship fund.
These types of programs are in some ways difficult to argue with because it is money for higher education, but we should be looking very carefully at the design of these programs. First, we should not increase tensions on a federal-provincial relations perspective. Second, these programs should be designed in such a way as to reflect not just where Canada is now and where Canadians are now but where Canada is going and where we want Canadians to go in the future.
I will give an example of the wrong-headedness of some of these policies. The millennium scholarship fund is not available for students going to private career colleges. I participated recently in a conference on education. One of the things I learned at the conference was that the wave of the future in post-secondary education, and quite possibly in secondary and primary education, would be in implementing more private programming and more private delivery of what was previously a totally public service.
Private post-secondary education is outgrowing and outpacing public post-secondary education around the world. This is a global phenomenon. Yet in Canada a scholarship program that was recently developed does not reflect the realities of where we are now and where we are going in the future in a global context.
We must be very careful to recognize that federal policies and more money are not always the answer. We have to be rigorous in providing the types of programs and investments that Canadians want and need. That takes a little more vision than we are seeing from the government on a number of these issues.
We would also like to see a more concerted effort on the part of the federal government to work with the provinces in bringing down interprovincial trade barriers, one of the structural impediments to our global competitiveness and our productivity as a country. Interprovincial trade barriers are an area that can actually inhibit and prevent the growth and success of our provinces and Canadians in various regions. These trade barriers need to come down.
I am talking about equalization of opportunity, not strictly equalization payments. This is very important because we cannot simply depend on money to solve the problems. We must recognize that equalization payments are a way in the short term and in the mid-term to equalize opportunity, but we have to work nationally and provincially with our provincial counterparts to create policies, economic development strategies that are rooted in the free market. We have to recognize that the free market is only sustainable if all citizens have access to the levers of the free market. This means a sound education system, a sound health care system, and the ability for people to bootstrap themselves and become successful. This will take more than simply equalization payments.
Our party is having a conference on February 23 in Halifax called “The New East”. The name came from the phrase the new west. I found when travelling in Alberta a sense of buoyancy and optimism that is very encouraging. There is a sense of self-reliance and opportunity that is leading the way. We want to see equality of opportunity, that level of opportunity and access to economic growth available to all Canadians. “The New East” conference will provide us with ideas for sustainable strategies that will provide in the future the types of free market based policies which will give opportunities for Atlantic Canadians to participate in the same level of economic growth that other regions have had in the past and will have for the foreseeable future.
It is not simply a matter of Atlantic Canada moving forward because of increased revenues in offshore oil or gas. We now need to move forward and take those opportunities we have had in offshore petroleum or other resources and invest significantly in the type of knowledge based infrastructure we need in these regions to enable us to succeed in a global knowledge based society. That again is a strong education system. It is also recognizing some of the global trends in information technology, for instance, the death of distance as a determinant in the cost of telecommunications—