Yes. As my hon. colleague from the NDP says, we have not heard about the amount of dollars that the Liberals are prepared to spend to help prevent crime and to rehabilitate these young people. I have not heard anything on that. Lord knows the government taxes us enough. There should be an ample supply of it laying around somewhere. The government has not done anything about that.
I do not know what is wrong with the Liberal government. It really likes making lists. We have a hate law in Canada. Let me paint a little scenario. A guy hates his mother-in-law so he murders her. Well that will not be considered under hate crimes because mother-in-laws are not on the list.
Another example is a kid in school who is built a little differently. Maybe he is fat and considered to be ugly or homely. We just do not like him so we want to get him. Wait a minute, fat ugly kids are not on the list so it does not fit under hate crimes.
Then lo and behold the Liberals come up with another phenomenal list, a list that says it is going to get tough on some of these individuals. What does the list consist of? Let us take a look.
The Liberals are going to get really tough on those who commit serious crimes by putting them into adult court after one conviction for murder, manslaughter, attempted murder and aggravated assault. That means that if a young offender kidnaps, sexually assaults with a weapon, commits an armed robbery or a host of other violent crimes, nothing too serious is going to happen. The young offender will remain under the old Young Offenders Act because those crimes are not on the list.
I really do not understand what is wrong with the government. It seems to like the idea of coming up with lists every time we turn around. If the crime is not on the list then it is not a hate crime. If the crime is not on the list then it is not a violent crime and would not result in adult court or adult punishment. That is the key word. I really do not understand why anybody in the House of Commons or why any adult would not believe that the consequences of wrongdoing should not involve a degree of punishment.
We do not want to talk about incarceration in the House. It is a dirty word. Community sentencing is a nice word. The government recently came out with Bill C-41. This bill is supposed to come under the Conditional Release Act where people who commit non-violent crimes will be able to serve their time helping in their community as punishment for their crime. I agree with that. I do not believe for a moment that non-violent offenders need to be behind bars. They need to be out in public paying for their crime in the community. They need to make restitution for the loss they have caused their victims. There are a lot of things they have to do which are all part of the punishment picture.
What is happening under the government's legislation is that violent offenders, including those who commit manslaughter or second degree murder, are being released back into the community under community supervision. There is something wrong with that picture.
All of a sudden we have cases under the section dealing with sentencing. There are a number of things that we must consider before passing a sentence. I agree. One of the very last ones regarding the sentencing of an individual is—and this includes the person who is charged with murder, manslaughter or whatever—that we must consider whether the individual is aboriginal or not. If someone takes a person's life, what difference does it make in regard to his or her race or background? I have never seen a piece of legislation that is any more discriminatory than the legislation that keeps coming from the Liberals. I was shocked when I looked at the Criminal Code. Time after time I found they had made a list and anybody else did not apply to that list. That is discrimination in the worst kind, in the most subtle way.
We believe in equality, but this legislation is the most divisive kind of legislation I have ever seen when we start identifying that we have to take into consideration what nationality an individual is before passing sentence.
One judge told me not too long ago that we must treat different people differently. A judge told me in a conversation that we cannot treat unlike people in the same way. “Never mind the victim, never mind the crime. Let us talk about the offender”, this judge says. “If he is not the same as others might be in terms of race or nationality then he must be treated differently”. That is Liberal law, the most divisive and most discriminatory law that exists. Why do we allow that?
I looked at the Liberal wisdom. This cannot be any more than just Liberal wisdom which is no wisdom at all. We are talking about the youth criminal justice act. Guess what the number of the bill is? C-68. My, my, what a coincidence.
The last Bill C-68 which is now law is not going very well. I understand it is almost up to a billion dollars in cost and it is going nowhere because nobody knows what they are doing, but after taking directions from the Liberal government that does not surprise me in the slightest. However, to dare number this bill as C-68 is quite the strategy. We will name it Bill C-68.
I want the Canadian public to be careful when talking about Bill C-68 from now on because we will be talking about the youth criminal justice system and not the gun control bill. What a piece of strategy. What a work of wisdom. Let us keep the public confused and then they will not question us.
What goes in the front door at a committee is usually what comes out the back door. As hard as we try to amend or change it, that is usually what comes out because orders will come from the front row to not amend or change the bill and to vote yes on it. The old puppets and the old sheep will jump up and lo and behold it will become law. There is no doubt about it.