Mr. Speaker, is there anybody left who wonders why Canadians do not have confidence in the government? The political mismanagement of HRDC funding practices has created yet another Liberal slush fund. Canadians are not fooled by the Prime Minister and his spin doctors trying to get off the hook. Canadians know that ministers must be accountable for their own departments.
Instead of following through on its ethical obligations and instead of helping students who are suffering under record high debt the government decides to subsidize billionaire banks. Next, the shipping company owned by the finance minister is interested in buying the assets of Devco, the same crown corporation that through his policies he helped shut down. Is that ethical?
The questions speak louder than the rhetoric. In this last month alone the examples of just how much the government is out of touch with the needs of ordinary Canadians are shocking. If the government wants to restore its credibility it must first learn to respect the people to whom it is accountable, all Canadians.