That, in the opinion of this House, any actuarial surplus in any pension plan or employee benefit plan should be considered the deferred wages and exclusive property of the employees and should only be used to improve the benefits of retirees or to provide a contribution holiday for employees
Mr. Speaker, I am very pleased to speak to what we believe to be a very important issue, an issue of broad national interest, an issue that deals with our nation's pension plans and our retirement savings plans.
I believe all of us as members of parliament hear from our constituents on a regular basis with some degree of concern as to the well-being of their employment benefit plans, the management of those plans and their ultimate retirement plan issues.
My motion is quite self-evident in the very brief motion that it is. It makes the argument that whenever an employee benefit plan or a pension plan shows a surplus, that surplus got there by an over-contribution. It is an actuarial surplus. It should be viewed as the property of the employees, not to be used for anything else. In other words, the employer should not be able to view this actuarial surplus as something that he could in fact dip into and use for any other reason, for any purpose other than improving the benefits of the beneficiaries of the plan or, and we also contemplate another acceptable usage, to give a contribution holiday to the employee if in fact it is a joint contribution plan.
This raises a whole debate right across the country because of the sheer size and volume of these plans today. Members in the House would be interested to know that employee benefit plans constitute the largest single block of capital in the world today. Over 50% of all the trading going on in the stock exchange is employee benefit plans moving their money around. It is huge. My own union is a very small union on an international level and our union pension plan is $40 billion. It really is staggering to look at the scope and size of these plans.
We can understand the temptation of the employers as they view this actuarial surplus to say either that they are in a pinch and can use that money or that they could use that money to expand the company or for any number of reasons.
I first took note of this back when Conrad Black owned Dominion Stores. There was quite a national court battle over the idea. I think there was an $80 million surplus at that time. He believed that he made the contribution to the plan and it was a defined benefit plan. There was an actuarial surplus, ergo he should be able to use whatever surplus there was. In other words, anything above and beyond the stated obligation should be his to use for any other purpose. The employees balked at that and took it to court. Ultimately, when all the dust settled, a split was negotiated.
There has been an absolutely overwhelming number of similar cases since then, which was what made me interested in putting forward a motion. We believe that the courts could use the guidance or at least that this debate over these plans could use the guidance of members of parliament. Some direction is needed because, frankly, the rulings of the courts or of third party arbitrators, whatever the case may be, have been all over the map. They have gone from ruling that yes, it is the exclusive deferred wages being held in trust for the employees, to no, it was the employer that made the contribution, ergo it is the employer's money, to any combination halfway down the middle, 70:30, 60:40, 50:50. Judgments have been all over the place.
There is no comfort level for Canadians. There are many pensioners or people of middle age or beneficiaries of pension plans who are nervous about this. It really came to a peak in my mind, and it was about the time when I drafted this motion, when the government, as an employer, the largest public sector employer in the country, did the exact same thing. It could not help but notice a $30 billion actuarial surplus in the public service employees' pension plan. As he left Canadian politics it was the last action of Marcel Masse, the former president of the Treasury Board, to pass legislation in the House to take every penny of that $30 billion.
There was no negotiation. There must have been a question in the government's mind as to who rightfully owned it, because if there was not a question it would not have had to put forth the enabling legislation to enable it to take it all. However, by its actions the government weighted this otherwise legitimate debate that is going on in the country.
That $30 billion should have been seen as the property of the employees on whose behalf the contributions were made. When we think about that particular case it is worthwhile to point out what a difference it would have made had the government shared even a portion of the $30 billion with the beneficiaries of the plan. We did some research. The average beneficiary from the public service pension plan collects $9,000 per year. It is not exactly a generous pension. Had the government shared even a portion of that $30 billion, and we calculated it at one-third, I believe, it could have doubled each beneficiary's yearly pension to $18,000 a year. It would have made a huge difference in the lives of many senior citizens in the country and there still would have been a surplus for the Government of Canada to use.
When I raise this issue I think I can say without any fear of contradiction that most Canadians want to know the status of any kind of surplus in a pension plan to which they might belong.
I should go further to point out another thing that may come up during the debate. To me it does not matter whether the contribution was made by the employer or by the employee. Many pension plans are joint contribution plans. The employee puts in $5 a month and the employer matches it with $5 a month. It is all the employee's money. Let me state that very clearly. I am sure we will hear contrary opinions today. From my point of view and the point of the view of the labour movement in the country, it is all the money of the employees because it is part of their negotiated wage package.
Let us think about how employers end up putting in contributions to pension plans. A wage increase is negotiated at the bargaining table, at least in the unionized sector. Let us say that it is a 1% raise. Then the employers and employees talk about how the 1% will be given to the employee and usually it is some combination of wages and benefits. In other words, employees take their negotiated wage increase and say they want 25 cents an hour in their pockets and 25 cents an hour put into their pension plan on their behalf. That is how we get the view that it is employees' deferred wages being held for them in trust until they are needed.
In our view, to use the money for anything other than the understood use is a breach of trust. Employers take money off employees' pay packets and put it on hold for them for a specific reason. To seek to take it out and use it for some completely different reason is a breach of trust, a breach of faith. That is what is happening right across the country, or at least employers are seeking to do that right across the country.
I brought with me an absolute stack of recent cases. I will not bore the House with all the details. We can hardly open a newspaper to the financial pages without finding an example, whether it is OMERS, of the Ontario municipal employees' union, which is currently fighting the same fight with CUPE leading the struggle on the employees' behalf, or Moore's of Canada, the garment retailers. Royal Bank employees are having a similar battle. Bank of Canada employees are having a similar battle.
All across the country seniors' groups, groups of retirees and groups of pensioners are coming together to ask this very important and pressing question, which raises the point of why the House of Commons did not deem the issue votable. I really think we are doing a disservice to the many retirees, pensioners and members of pension plans who really do want some direction. They want a legal opinion.
They are many conflicting legal opinions, but they want a legal opinion from this authority, maybe not the highest authority in the land, but certainly this House of representatives should have an opinion to share, to give some direction and to add to this very pressing debate.
As I have said, I was part of a union pension plan myself, the carpenters' union. I served as a trustee to manage that fund and I do know something about the issue. Another point I would make is that in our unionized setting these plans were jointly trusteed. Had I had room within this motion I would have also advocated that there be a mandated joint trusteeship in any trust document forming an employee benefit plan. We believe it is only logical that the interests of those who ultimately would benefit from the plan should be represented at the trustee level. I do not think we would be having the same court challenges or clogging up the legal system with these many challenges were we able to deal with that at the most elementary level, whereby the board of trustees would make the choice as to how it would allocate any kind of surplus in one of these employee benefit plans.
I have had meetings with Canadian union retirees, with members of the Manitoba association of seniors and with other seniors' groups and organizations and activist groups that deal with employee benefit plans. They are seriously in need and desirous of somebody coming forward and ruling once and for all on how these surpluses should be invested or dealt with.
There was a school of thought in the recent Bell Canada pension surplus issue, where the surplus was divided up in roughly the same percentage as the contributions were made. It was a 40% employee contribution matched by a 60% employer contribution. That was the way the surplus was divvied up. That happened at exactly the same time we were debating Bill C-78 and we in the House were making the ruling that the government would take all of the $30 billion and not put one penny into the pockets of either the employees or the beneficiaries of the plan, the retirees.
It is not hard to see where the government found the $100 billion that it gave in tax cuts. It took $30 billion from arguably the most needy people in the country, senior citizens and pensioners living on $9,000 a year from the public service pension plan. It took another $30 billion from the surplus in the EI fund. That is no secret either. Therefore, of the $100 billion, $60 billion came from unemployed people and pensioners. That is nothing to be very proud of.
However it is not my intention to berate the federal government over water under the bridge. Bill C-78 was passed and is now law. In that context it does not give guidance to other private sector pension plans or even to other public sector pension plans as to how they might treat their surpluses. This was a special act of parliament that gave parliament a one time right to take the $30 billion actuarial surplus out of an employee pension plan. The same question still arises right across the country in both the private and public sectors.
It is not just the trade union movement that believes pension plans are a form of deferred compensation for employees. There are legal opinions to that effect. Many people use the test that if costs are bargained in the negotiation of a pension plan the amounts which are agreed on to be put toward pensions are in fact deferred wages. If benefits are bargained and not costs, it would follow that it is the promised pension benefit that is the deferred wage rather than the contributions which pay into the benefits. I believe that is the distinction. If it is the benefit that is bargained and not the contribution, then in a defined benefit package there would be no question. Employees would have satisfaction without going to the courts. They could just look at the jurisprudence.
If it is in fact the defined costs, or in other words, if we are dividing up who would pay into the plan, if that is part of the negotiating process, at least in some legal opinions there is no question that it is the deferred wages of the employees that are being held in trust for the employees and they should be considered the exclusive property of the employees, to be used only in two ways: to sweeten the benefits upon retirement or to give the employees a contribution holiday for a period of time.