Mr. Speaker, the recent witness testimony and documentary evidence, both national and international, demonstrates that the violations of human rights in China continue unabated, particularly with regard to violations of the rights of the Falun Gong.
These include, first, the criminalization of Falun Gong itself for nothing other than espousing the values of truth, compassion and tolerance, thereby violating their fundamental rights to freedom of conscience and beliefs, freedom of assembly and association, and freedom of expression and information.
Second, the arrest, detention, torture and imprisonment of Falun Gong practitioners for nothing other than exercising their rights as guaranteed under Chinese and international law.
Third, the abuse of psychiatry for political purposes on a scale unseen since the dark days of the Soviet Gulag.
Accordingly, I would like to join my voice with parliamentarians in this country and around the world who have called upon China to rescind the criminal ban on the Falun Gong, release political prisoners, such as ShenLi Lin, husband of Canadian citizen Jinyu Li, and cease and desist from the abuse of psychiatry for political purposes.