Mr. Speaker, we have heard a lot about the beer that is not in the bill. I would like to talk a little bit about the wine that is.
One of the purposes of second reading debate is to examine legislation in detail to try to find flaws or make observations about it and bring the contents of the bill before the House. I certainly acknowledge that there has been some very passionate feelings about microbreweries and the fact that beer is not included in the legislation. I wanted to tell the member opposite that there is no reference to beer, but it is true that beer was defined so it would appear that there was an intention at one time to include beer in the legislation. I will come back to that a little further along.
One of the things that really interests me about the bill and I should point out to Canadians at large is that while it does not deal with brewing our own beer, it certainly does deal with the growing industry in Canada involved in making our own wine. This is a phenomenon that got its start, at least in Ontario, in the mid-1980s, basically taking advantage of some loopholes in legislation that existed.
In my own community, several of these little shops developed, first I should say, to brew their own beer and then started developing make your own wine on the premises operations. This was an enormous opportunity for Canadians, at least in Ontario. I acknowledge that in Quebec, because of the French heritage of my Quebec colleagues, there is a far greater sensitivity to wine than there ever has been in English speaking Canada, at least up until the time bottle your own wine businesses developed in the 1980s and then spread. They started as make your own beer, but just looking at the small shop fronts in my own riding, beer is now taking second place to make your own wine.
These are wonderful opportunities because we can do it all on the premises. We can get various grape concentrates from some of the famous vineyards in France. We can also get them from Canada. We can make a Merlot, Chablis, or a Bordeaux and many other types of wine. It is interesting because this started out almost as a cottage industry. As I say, it piggybacked on the brew your own beer.
I was looking at some Statistics Canada figures. It is very difficult to find out because I tried very hard all day to get some idea of how large a sector of the market make your own wine is and I was unable to do so. But looking at some Statistics Canada figures from 1980, it is very, very interesting because starting in 1970 we see an overall decline in spirits consumption. That is all kinds of other alcohol. We see a sort of dip and then a rise in beer and then a flattening out. Parallel to that flattening out is a sudden sharp rise in wine consumption and wine sales.
I would suggest that what is happening there, again possibly mostly in English speaking Canada, is the result of so many Canadians being able to go to a little shop in their community and instead of making beer, they make their own wine. They make it for about a third of the price of a brand wine. Actually, a lot less than that sometimes. It has introduced them to the entire experience of wine drinking.
I would suggest that after a certain length of time making our own wine at these shops we begin to develop a taste for better wine, because the reality is that in these places where we bottle our own wine and ferment our own product, it really does come out as different grades of plonk. After a little while, those of us who struggle along and can finally afford a good bottle really appreciate it. I would suspect that the increase in popularity of make your own wine stores has had a very good effect on all kinds of wine sales in Canada.
That brings me to Bill C-47 because it regularizes the actual production of wine in these establishments. As I was saying earlier, a lot of this was done basically as a result of loopholes in legislation, and mostly provincial legislation. Here we have the government, at long last in my view, attempting to formally regulate the make your own wine establishments and set some rules.
I draw attention to some of the clauses. In section 62, and there are a number of subsections, the bill would make it legal to produce wine and package it for one's own personal use. There are various other aspects of it. It also covers the possession of wine. One has to possess wine for one's own use.
It sets rules for the establishments themselves. If they are holding wine in bulk then they would not be breaking the law. Up until this legislation, or at this moment I would suggest, it is an entirely grey area as to what is happening on those premises. The bill would attempt to give it some system or regulation. I think it will be a benefit to everyone.
However, there are clauses that are kind of interesting and need to be dealt with by the standing committee that will be looking at the legislation after it passes second reading. Clause 63, for example, states:
No person shall sell or put to a commercial use wine that was produced, or produced and packaged, by an individual for their personal use.
I can see a problem here because a lot of charities and non-profit organizations, and perish the thought, even political fundraisers, rely heavily on trying to bring in beverages that are cost effective, shall we say. This clause has to be looked at.
There is provincial legislation that already applies here with respect to spirits on premises for fundraising events but this particular section in Bill C-47 would appear to forbid a charity from using wine made at a make your own wine store as part of a fundraising effort. I would say that should be revisited because the reality of it is that commercial wine, the wine that comes under label for the most part, is much too expensive to be a beverage at a fundraiser. That indeed is one of the reasons that many fundraisers, if they are to have an alcoholic beverage at all, choose beer. I think we have to look at section 63.
There is a similar section, section 64, about the packaging of wine, that it has to be packaged only on their own behalf. That of course raises questions about packaging make your own wine as gifts. Again, I think we have to look at that.
Then there are some other peculiarities. I found one section that was quite amusing. It is wonderful to prowl through a bill, and I suggest to Canadians that they should get onto the Internet when they see bills like this appearing in parliament and do exactly as backbench MPs are supposed to do, and look through it and make their own inferences. There is quite an interesting section, section 2, on the definition of wine. I found that fascinating because we are talking about make your own wine.
In section 2 wine is defined, among other things, as a beverage of normal alcohol content but it is also defined as a beverage that is not fortified in excess of 22.9%. Well, Mr. Speaker, that is some wine.
What the bill basically does, and this might be something else the committee might look at or other people who have some strong thoughts about alcohol consumption in general, is it makes it permissible to make our own sherry and port. It is quite bold because it suggests that we can fortify it. Quite apart from all the sections about the regulating and the denaturing of alcohol, alcohol that is not denatured can obviously be applied in this bill to make our own sherry, which I find somewhat amusing. These are positive aspects of the bill.
I think we need to debate this because one nice thing about making our own wine is that it is very much an ordinary person thing. This is what Canadians have been doing. I think the rise of brew your own beer or make your own wine establishments has been a very positive thing.
In that context I would like to allude to the fact that the bill does not deal with the brew your own beer. I have great sympathy for the complaints from the opposition on this. I am a great fan of the microbreweries in Quebec. I have had the happy occasion to visit St-Jean-sur-Richelieu. There are about five microbreweries in that area and they are all excellent.
However I suspect that the government may have run into a problem that is quite different than the problem that is perceived by the opposition involving the major breweries. I think that problem may be the fact that, at least in Ontario, every brew your own beer franchise is a microbrewery. The difficulty is that in Ontario we can go to these establishments, get a recipe to make an English beer, a wheat beer or a German beer. We can duplicate just about every imaginable beer that can be bought under label from a store. I suspect that one of the problems is how to manage the difference between this type of microbrewery and the type of microbrewery that exists in Quebec.
I will say that I would absolutely support trying to find a way in which to ensure that the microbreweries, not just in Quebec but elsewhere, are retained. I would say in passing that it is not quite the same thing with wine because the beer produced in these brew your own stores is a very close imitation of the very best beer we can buy anywhere, including in the microbreweries, whereas at the make your own wine establishments the best wine we can make will never match a French, Canadian or Australian label.
However, the bill is not just about wine and spirits. I would like to also draw the attention of the House to the fact that the bill also deals with tobacco. I think that is very important because in the early part of the 1990s this country experienced a very severe problem with respect to tobacco smuggling. In my view, a lot of it was the government's fault in the sense that the federal government, the predecessor government to the Liberals if I may say so, elevated taxes on tobacco to such a level that contraband taken from across the border from the United States became very profitable.
I well remember in 1995, I had only been up here two years, that we had a crisis basically along the St. Lawrence Seaway where organized crime and other interests were importing not just hundreds of millions of dollars but a billion dollars worth of tobacco products from the United States. The statistics from that period are quite shocking. The government in the end had to lower taxes and, to a large degree, that addressed the problem.
What remained was the fact that a lot of the tobacco products that were being smuggled in from the United States during that particular period were actually made in Canada.
We had a situation where tobacco products, as it later emerged in investigations in the United States and in our own investigations here in Canada, that enterprises were producing tobacco in Canada and then shipping it to the United States both in an unfinished fashion and as cigarettes. These products were then being smuggled across the border back into Canada. It was a billion dollar industry and none of that money went to government. There were no taxes. It was a very severe problem.
One of the interesting statistics was that in 1993, just to give members an idea, 18 billion finished cigarettes were being exported from Canada to the United States. Whereas four years earlier it was only 4 billion cigarettes. In other words, the contraband market in Canadian cigarettes increased enormously.
What Bill C-47 does, and I think it is a very positive thing, is it introduces some severe penalties with respect to the illicit manufacture and distribution of tobacco products.
I draw the House's attention to clause 214 which provides that if somebody is convicted of manufacturing and selling cigarettes without government authorization, without going through the proper channels, which would include smuggling, the fines on conviction range from $50,000 to $1 million and imprisonment for a term of not more than five years. That is a heavy penalty and I think we all should be pleased to see it there. The one thing we do not want to do is go back to that period when tobacco smuggling was a major industry and, I regret to say, a major industry on our border Indian reserves. I think Canada came to a very near point of lawlessness along our borders as a result.
The key regulations that these penalties apply to are clauses 25, 26 and 29 which basically say that no person, other than a licensee, shall manufacture a tobacco product, and no person shall carry on the activity as a tobacco dealer without the appropriate licence, and so on. I suggest that this is a very positive step forward.
It is good technical legislation. I am very pleased to see that it has sort of addressed the problem of tobacco smuggling in a very substantive way. It has addressed the problem of the illegal manufacture of cigarettes. Cigarettes have been with us for a number of centuries and we are not going to stop people smoking. We might stop a lot of people smoking but it is an addictive product and a lot of people will continue to do so, just as they will continue to drink alcohol.
It is very important that we have the regulations and the legislation in place that administers these two product which do not always do the best for us but two products that people insist they will live with. If I may say so, I could certainly do without tobacco but I think wine and the microbreweries are certainly worth saving.