Mr. Chairman, first I would like to thank the House leaders for agreeing to have this very important debate tonight and the Romanow commission for agreeing to meet with each of our caucuses. I think it is the proper role of members of parliament to be able to report in our homework in terms of what we have been hearing in this ever important policy process.
I would also like to thank my patients, who taught me pretty well all I know about health care and taught me the benefit of what informed patients who are prepared to use the system wisely can actually do to provide input into public policy. I would also like to thank the people of St. Paul's who show up in record numbers at the neighbourhood checkups that we hold and who were at the five town hall meetings that we have had over the past while on palliative care, on health care report cards, with Monique Bégin, with Peter Singer and on health care reform.
There is no question that these people have two overriding themes. One is that they want a strong federal role. They support the five principles of the Canada Health Act, but I think they are very aware that it is only the confidence Canadians have in their health care system that will indeed protect it, that if we erode the quality of care they will begin to demand to pay. We have to protect the quality and they need to know about accountability and transparency.
As we know, there has been a cottage industry of commissions and task forces looking at what we should be doing and there are some very clear consenses. One is the wellness initiatives, which virtually every commission has talked about. There are the ideas of some sort of pharmacare reform or community health groups that would do 24/7 care. There is the idea of the role for information technology and electronic medical records. There is the report card to the public, which again comes back to the competence issue. I would hope the report card would also compare us to international models. If people know that they are doing just as well with their heart attacks here as in California, they will begin to understand what indeed this spectacular health care system really has done.
The key to sustainability has to be prevention. We have to actually decrease the demand side. We have to avoid the Walkertons. We have to avoid the smog in July and August. We all know, from Marc Lalonde on, that poverty, violence and the environment are the most important things in terms of keeping Canadians well. I think most Canadians understand that at 10% of GDP we can have a fantastic health care system and with what we now have as a 70:30 private-public split we can again sustain the system.
We need to have more measurements in quality to provide incentives for good performance. I think we now know that there are two important roles for Canadians in the system. One is as knowledgeable and empowered patients who can drive the quality outcomes, and as well patients need to have the access to information with which they can make quality decisions. Clinical guidelines need to be available for patients so that they know why antibiotics are not appropriate for viral infections or why their ankle will not be x-rayed because it does not meet the criteria.
The most important thing I want to talk about tonight is the role of Canadians as citizens in this ongoing, fluid evolution of our health care system. On May 16 we had a round table at the University of Toronto with Janice Stein, where we brought together the people who know a lot about health care, a lot about governance and a lot about information technology. We were trying to figure out whether information technology, perhaps funded by the federal government, could help drive the reforms we want done.
The paper by Sholom Glouberman and Brenda Zimmerman on complex adaptive systems and the kinds of feedback loops we need was interesting. We in effect described a distributive model of power, where if the incentives are down as close to the ground as they can be, we can eventually have those feedback loops that end up with better quality and better cost effectiveness. What is important in a distributive model is a compelling purpose, a strong belief and an agreed upon process. We must agree upon a process by which the system will continue to renew itself. A few key principles will allow infinite diversity and yet coherence. We can be competing and co-operative at the same time. What we now believe is that a centralized control of an ecosystem is illogical, that equitable membership for members and voluntary co-operation are essential.
I believe it is unreasonable to think that Commissioner Romanow would be able to tell us exactly what our health care system should be, because it is going to continually change. I believe that what Commissioner Romanow should be telling us is to mandate a process by which Canadians will continue to always feel comfortable that their needs are being looked after.
The overall goal of priority setting must be legitimacy and fairness and citizens must be involved at every single step of that priority setting. It should not be a discussion about what should be funded but rather a discussion about how those decisions get made. It is clear that it has been impossible for us to define the term medically necessary, yet I think all of us, even with different values, still agree on how the priority setting should be done.
What is interesting is that in Peter Singer's National Post article entitled “Needed: An honest way to set priorities”, he cites the accountability for reasonableness framework developed by Norman Daniels and James Sabin. It provides guidance on how legitimate and fair priority setting decisions should be made.
First, we must have an inclusive decision where citizens are at the table. Second, that then must be communicated to everyone. Third, there must be grounds for appeal. Fourth, it then must be enforced. I believe that this could happen anywhere, from the very smallest health care organization in terms of a community health centre, to a regional health authority, to a ministry of health deciding on what goes on a formulary, to the highest level of the federal government.
Citizens now know that there needs to be democracy between elections. They need to have a place where their values get imposed at every decision. Ursula Franklin says that good governance is fair, transparent and takes people seriously and that if we do not do it in our small organizations no one can expect us to do it in the big picture.
What we need is a system. We have had a fantastic health care insurance plan. We now need a system. That means governance, and I believe that citizens have to be at the table in every decision. We can no longer have joint management boards where providers and bureaucrats sit behind closed doors and the bureaucrats save money if something comes off the list and the providers get to charge more if it is off the list. The citizens must be at that table. Citizens must be at the federal-provincial negotiating table. As Judith Maxwell said in this week's Canadian Medical Association Journal :
Citizens, as the owners and funders, also have something to offer to the construction of our health care edifice. What they offer is their core values about how the system should be financed, about what rules should determine who has access, and about the way the patient interacts with the system.
That gives us Peter Singer's legitimacy and fairness and Trudeau's social justice.
It is imperative that we look back to the social union framework agreement, where we and the provinces have already agreed that we would “ensure access for all Canadians, wherever they live or move in Canada, to essential social programs and services of reasonably comparable quality”. We have to be measuring that quality and we have to be doing what principle 3 in this social union framework states, which is that we would be informing Canadians in public accountability and transparency. Whether that has to be companion to the Canada Health Act or whether we just sit back and enforce what was agreed to in the social union framework agreement is left to be seen. The principle states that we must be ensuring “effective mechanisms for Canadians to participate in developing social priorities and reviewing outcomes”.
I am particularly intrigued with the model that Carolyn Tuohy and Colleen Flood presented to the Kirby report, which is concentric circles with the things that would be public in the centre, things with co-payments in the middle area and then the things that would be privately funded in the outer area. I believe that citizens should form a semi-permeable membrane by which things come in and out of there all the time based on the education by experts and by the information sharing and value systems that they would afford.
I believe we should not be making any decisions without citizens joining hands in terms of that educative function. I think if we look at that we can move it into all levels. I am particularly interested that citizens at those tables must have a responsibility for connecting back to their communities using strong associational networks.
The confidence that Canadians have in the system is the only thing we can count on in terms of protecting our system. Other countries like Australia and England have now mandated the importance of citizen engagement at all levels in decision making.
It is imperative that if we think of a national body that could look at pan-Canadian standards, could review the CIHI, could look at a national formulary, and could perhaps involve the citizens' council for health quality, we could start to look at the federal government as a provider, the fifth biggest provider, of the health care in this country, for aboriginals, soldiers, veterans and in corrections, and bring the federal government to the table in its joint project with all of the provinces on the delivery of health care.
We then need to share the best practices. We need to do the performance pool and reward the great things that are happening across the country. Then, I think, we can look forward to the system. Canadians are the solution to this system. They no longer want to be seated out of the project. I know they want to help us make it work and I know that they will be forever involved in this incredibly important--