Mr. Speaker, I want to express my support for the private member's initiative before the House today in terms of greater accountability when it comes to user fees put on by the federal government.
There are many user fees that bring in a lot of cash for the federal government each and every year. The important thing is to bring in more accountability and transparency in terms of user fees in all forms of taxes and legislation in general.
In fact, I would like to see a whole raft of parliamentary reform to make this place more relevant to ordinary people. Over the years that I have been here, I have a seen a lessening of importance of the House of Commons itself and the growing importance of the executive.
I came here in the Trudeau years, in 1968, and I remember a great battle in the summer of 1969 when I was just 23 years old. There was a great battle for the change of rules in the House of Commons. There was a tremendous fight which went on all through the month of July. With the change of rules, more power was taken away from the House of Commons and given to the Prime Minister's Office and the executive.
What has happened over the last 25 or 30 years is that the trend has continued through the Mulroney years into the present years, where the Prime Minister's Office and the executive have far too much power. What we need is some serious parliamentary reform where parliamentary committees would be more independent and have the right to timetable themselves, introduce legislation, and freely elect their own chairs. The member across the way knows exactly what I mean by that from the experience we had together at a House of Commons committee roughly one year ago.
That is the direction I believe we should be going as a House of Commons. The Prime Minister's Office and indeed the premiers' offices in our country have far too much power to make many appointments unilaterally. I have seen many appointments made by all levels of government over the years. If we were to recommend appointments to the relevant parliamentary committee, in other words, nominate an individual for a relevant position and have the relevant committee either ratify or accept the position, then certain recommendations by the federal government would not be made.
I remember the case of a former cabinet minister back in the Trudeau years who was appointed to head a crown corporation. In this particular case I did not find a single government member who agreed with the appointment, but they were all like political eunuchs because of our parliamentary system, they could not do anything to stop the appointment which was made by the Prime Minister of the day. That is not a commentary on one political party or the other. It is the kind of political system we have that puts far too much power into the hands of the executive branch of government and in the hands of the Prime Minister.
In fact, if we look at our system, I do not think we will find any system in the world that is a democracy and I am not talking about Baghdad or North Korea. However, I am talking about elected parliaments that put so much power in the hands of the Prime Minister. The Prime Minister's executives choose the federal judges; Supreme Court judges; cabinet ministers; and senators, except for the hockey team, the Ottawa Senators, which they are now bailing out by millions and millions of dollars a year. They appoint all the senior officials of government, the head of the RCMP, the head of the military, and the list goes on and on.
The Prime Minister also has the power to fix an election date whenever the Prime Minister wants to call an election and to bring in a budget whenever the Prime Minister wants to do so. We should have fixed dates for elections, budgets, and throne speeches. We should take that power away from the government. In doing so we would have timetabling that would be more fair and just for everybody concerned.
The fixed budget date, for example, would allow the provinces, municipalities and school boards to plan because they would know if there would be a budget every second or third week of February or March or whatever that date would be. We should have fixed election dates as well so that there would be a level playing field for all the parties.
Those are some of the things we need in terms of serious parliamentary reform. Part of that is greater accountability in terms of the finances and the taxes of the country.
A user fee is a tax with another name. It is not a hidden tax. It is very vivid and visible as a tax with another name. I oppose many user fees, however we do need some user fees. I am not saying we cannot have user fees. If we use a park often or some other public facility often, there are arguments to be made in favour of user fees.
However the problem with some fees is that they can be very regressive. A user fee usually applies across the board. Whether people are wealthy or poor they pay the same user fee. In that regard it becomes a very regressive tax. This is another reason to make sure we pass the motion before the House today, Parliament would have greater say and there would be greater accountability, greater transparency and less likelihood of a user fee that is really regressive.
This is a very important motion. I want to mention a recent example of spending gone wild without parliamentary accountability, the gun registry program. Whether we are in favour or against the gun registry program, it initially was supposed to cost $2 million a year, then $100 million and now it is over $1 billion.
The Auditor General has made it very clear that the program has become a major financial boondoggle. The Auditor General also said that Parliament was not allowed to see the books over the years, which we should have been able to do, and that things were hidden from the elected representatives of the people.
If there is one purpose more than any other purpose as to why we are here, it is to be the guardian or the watchdog over the tax money of the ordinary Canadian people, to make sure that their tax money is spent in a wise way and in a way that is good for the country and good for the common good.
However we have a gun registry program where over $1 billion dollars has been spent and where consultants have been hired. One billing I noticed, which was reported in one of the national newspapers, showed that the Department of Justice was billed for $1,000 a day for 365 days a year. What bureaucrat would sign off on that invoice, working Christmas Day, Easter Sunday, no matter what?
As the Auditor General said, a lot of this information was withheld from the Parliament.
I would like to see a system where a parliamentary committee, the public accounts committee or whatever, would have the power and the authority to subpoena any government department it wanted, to force a department to open its books, and allow the committee to have a thorough look at the books to make sure that the spending being done is being done in accordance with the intent and the laws that come out from the Parliament of Canada.
In that regard we may need, as it has in the United States, a better staffed parliamentary committee system, where we would have more funding to hire the expertise needed for the parliamentary committees, and where we would have the background to actually do a better cross-examination of some of the witnesses.
I remember back to the parliamentary constitutional debates a few years ago when we were looking at the issues surrounding the Meech Lake and Charlottetown accords. At that time Parliament decided in its wisdom to provide all the parties with extra research help for that parliamentary committee on the government side and the opposition side.
I was on that committee and it was probably the best committee on which I have ever served in terms of having the expertise, where parliamentarians had the ammunition, because of the thorough research being done by committee staff, to put the proper questions.
I know we have a good staff in the Library of Parliament but sometimes we have to supplement that staff with staff that is a bit more political in terms of the kind of research that they are doing.
I think we should look at some of these ideas as precedents in other parts of the world that have worked very well.
This comes right back to the main thrust which is that we need more accountability and more transparency, particularly when it comes to the public finances of the nation.
I would like to see the day when we have the political parties in this country coming together as one to say that the executive, the Prime Minister's Office, has far too much power, that Parliament has far less power, and that we have to increase the power and the independence of parliamentary committees. We need the right to initiate legislation, the right to timetable legislation and the right to have fewer confidence votes in the House of Commons. We have far too many confidence votes here.
In Britain, when Margaret Thatcher was at the height of her popularity, the government lost many votes on government bills but it did not fall. Instead, it went back to the drawing board and came up with bills that were more acceptable to the parliament of the country.We should be doing that in Canada. We are in the stone age in terms of the need for parliamentary reform.