Madam Speaker, as the two speakers before me have said, it seems at first glance that Bill C-48, the purpose of which is to reform the taxation structure in the natural resource industries sector, is an extension of what was contained in the February 2000 budget. That was when the federal government decided to take seven percentage points off all taxes being paid by the industrial sector except the natural resources sector.
Hon. members will recall that this reduction was announced in the February 2000 budget, to be spread over five years. This meant a drop over the five years, ending in 2005, from 28% to 21%.
Initially, Bill C-48 may seem interesting. I say initially, because the bill also contains other measures to partially offset the lower taxes to be paid by companies in the natural resources sector.
We have not been able to gain a very clear idea of the overall effect on all sectors and all provinces. In this connection, I hereby announce in connection with this second reading that the Bloc Quebecois will be voting against Bill C-48, in hopes that we may get some answers in committee. I hope we do get them.
Bill C-48 clearly announces, as was done in 2000, that these companies will see their taxes reduced by 7% over five years, from 28% to 21%.
There are other measures, however: three others. What interests us is the overall effect of the four.
As far as the second one is concerned, after the tax cut, there will be a gradual application of the deduction for royalties paid to the provinces, to the Crown, in connection with mining taxes. Thus, royalties to the provinces will be deductible.
The third measure is a gradual elimination of the 25% resource allowance. So, on the one hand, there will be the deduction for Crown royalties, and on the other, the resource allowance, currently 25%, will be eliminated. Everything will be done gradually, spread over that five-year period.
The fourth measure is the implementation of a new non-refundable tax credit exclusively for diamond or metal exploration.
The issue is not simply the tax rate dropping from 28% to 21%, but the impact of all four of the measures in Bill C-48 on the different sectors of the natural resources industry and each province.
In response to our question about the net impact, we did not obtain a clear answer from the Minister of Finance or his department. As I mentioned, we want answers. If we are shown that the net impact of these four measures will, in fact, result in an overall decrease in the tax rate on all these sectors and in each province, we would probably support the government's position. But, currently, we have no guarantees. On the contrary, our initial estimates indicate that some sectors will benefit from the reform proposed in Bill C-48, and others will be penalized.
The winners will obviously be those with high royalties, such as the oil and gas sector in the west. The losers will be those with lower royalties, particularly mines, but other sectors will also be affected.
Quebec, unfortunately, does not have much oil. However, it does have a number of mines. So, our interest in knowing the impact on each sector is understandable.
Since the provinces have tended, for a number of years, to foster competition, particularly in the mining sector, and to decrease royalties—the royalties paid by oil companies remain extremely high—the proposed reform in Bill C-48 is unfair to a number of industrial sectors.
I am not the only one saying this; the Mining Association of Canada and Quebec Mining Association Inc. are too, in a press release issued in February 2003, immediately after the Minister of Finance tabled his budget.
The release read as follows:
When all is said and done, the disappearance of the Resource Allowance will likely result in higher taxes paid by the mining industry, even if we are able to deduct provincial royalties and mining taxes.
These are not my words but that of The Mining Association of Canada. Bill C-48 will put these people at a disadvantage, as l will explain later, and I have a big problem with that.
The same is true for the provinces. All natural resources are not distributed the same way, naturally, depending on whether you are in western Canada, the maritime provinces or Quebec. If we look at the application of Bill C-48, as far as we can see, there will be winners and losers among the provinces.
Alberta will be among the winners, of course, because royalties are high in that province; on average, it is estimated that actual tax rates will be reduced from 42.12% to 30.12%, if we factor in both provincial and federal income taxes.
It is therefore obvious that, as far as Alberta is concerned, and particularly its oil industry, as well as natural gas in western Canada, Bill C-48 is very advantageous. But when it comes to Quebec, Saskatchewan, Manitoba and the Maritimes, it is not obvious, far from it, that the change proposed in Bill C-48 will be advantageous because, as I indicated, the resource allowance will be eliminated and crown royalties will be made deductible.
In this context, the overall actual tax rates, taking into account federal and provincial income tax, will increase. According to financial analysts, in Manitoba, the actual tax rate for the entire natural resource sector will increase by 2.9%; in the Maritimes, the increase would be between 3.25% and 4%; in Quebec, it will be 2.25%; and in Saskatchewan, 4.5%.
You will therefore understand that we cannot support a bill that will result in an increase in actual tax rates—and even accounting analysts say it will—taking into account all of the measures, and not just the reduction of the tax rate to 21%, to match the other industrial sectors.
I am therefore waiting for answers from the Department of Finance about these figures. As I pointed out earlier, I am not making these figures up; they come from accounting firms, associations such as the Mining Association of Canada.
What I am presenting here is average rates that can vary according to industrial sector. In the case of mines, PriceWaterhouseCoopers used two mining models and compared the current system with the reform proposed in Bill C-48.
Excluding the progressive elimination of tax on large businesses announced for all the sectors—a measure that will benefit all Canadian companies—the reform proposed in Bill C-48 means an average tax increase from 39.9% to 42.8% for gold mines and from 35.8% to 46.6 for copper mines.
This does not just concern Quebec; it concerns all of Canada. Nonetheless, since there are many gold mines and copper mines in Quebec, we are sensitive to this argument and I do not see what we—as representatives of Quebec's interests—would gain from supporting a bill that would increase the effective tax rate for a certain number of natural resources sectors in Quebec and in other regions of Canada.
We expected the federal government to propose a much more equitable reform for all the sectors. These figures are very worrisome, all the more so since we would have thought that, in addition to wanting to reduce corporate tax rates, the federal government might have wanted to leave room for the provinces, in order to correct the fiscal imbalance.
The provinces could very well use some of this room in one way or another.
I should say that many of the figures I have used come from a study published in CAmagazine —CA for chartered accountant—in May 2003. This study by Neil Smith is entitled, “Energy update: following its taxation review of the resource sector, Finance has come up with recommendations on crown royalties.” In his conclusion, the author says:
It would appear that the federal administration will also be keeping a close watch on provinces to ensure they do not attempt to shift tax revenue from the federal government to the provinces by increasing provincial resource royalties or mineral taxes that gave rise to the 1974 rules they are eliminating.
I think that is extremely serious. Not only are some sectors and provinces being put at a disadvantage, but once again, the federal government is interfering in the real autonomy of Canadian provinces, of Quebec in particular, by unilaterally changing the rules of the game. Unfortunately, that is exactly the criticism the Bloc Quebecois and many Quebeckers have of Canadian federalism. The federal government acts as if it were the only important or worthwhile level of government, with the others being at best, big municipalities or, in the case of Quebec, big regional boards.
I would point out that royalties were deductible until 1974. In Bill C-48 we are not looking at something brand new. They were deductible. But that was an era when royalties were increasing in all provinces. Thus, the federal government saw its revenue declining. When it saw that, in 1974, it changed the rules of the game. It said that royalties would no longer be deductible and that it would introduce a 25% resource allowance instead.
Now, because of international competition and the difficulty our industry has in competing with a number of developing countries, royalties are declining. This is the moment the federal government has chosen to change the rules of the game because the current rules are not bringing it enough revenue.
Thus, there is this desire on the part of the federal government not only to change the rules, but also to ensure that the provinces are unable to change their own tax structures. I am not saying that they are going to do so, but they might want to. The federal government has already reworked the tax structure of the natural resource sector through its reform as seen in Bill C-48. As I said, I was quoting from a study found in CAmagazine that confirms my point.
Going still further, in the mining association press release I have already referred to, they not only state that, when all is said and done, the disappearance of the resource allowance will likely result in higher taxes paid by the mining industry, but they add:
At the very least, the federal government is undercutting the good work by many provincial jurisdictions to make mining investment more attractive.
Once again, the Bloc Quebecois is not the one saying this, it is the Mining Association of Canada and Quebec Mining Association Inc. They feel that Bill C-48 is revisiting a whole series of measures available to them from the provinces. WIth Bill C-48, something is being created that will not only disadvantage the mining industry, but will also force the provinces to behave in a certain way as far as their natural resources taxation schemes are concerned. I consider this federal interference in areas of provincial jurisdiction and in the jurisdiction of Quebec.
Such interference does not always involved direct spending by the federal government. Often, it is done with the creation of rules that tie the hands of the provinces and Quebec.
As I have said, some sectors gain and some lose. I think this needs to be acknowledged. There are winning provinces and losing provinces also. We feel this inequity is unacceptable. When it comes to winning sectors, of course the oil and gas industry is among.
What is needed is one fair rule for all industries. It is not a matter of ganging up on the oil and gas industry, but of noticing that, curiously enough, it is being systematically favoured by the federal government. We see this, for example, in the refusal by the industry minister to carry out a proper investigation into the possibility of collusion among the major oil companies. We know that the prices are changing at the present time. A blackout in New York raises gas prices in Joliette, as unlikely as that may seem. The federal government is refusing to look into the real situation of competition in the oil and gas sector.
With Bill C-48, the Minister of Finance estimates that, when fully implemented, the reform will cost in all some $260 million in uncollected taxes.
That is the department's estimate, and I challenge it. I would appreciate it if we were provided with all the data used to come up with such an estimate. A significant portion of this $260 million, assuming that is the right amount, will go to the oil industry, the one in Alberta in particular. In that particular instance, the tax rate will actually drop 12 percentage points.
It is important to note that, for once, the tax rate of oil companies will be 5% lower in Alberta than in Texas. I do not think that Texas, as a state, can be accused of being inclined to overtax its industries, and its oil industry in particular. The actual tax rate will be lower here than in Texas.
I said earlier that it seems to me that this amount of $260 million estimated by the Department of Finance as the total cost of the reform once it has been fully implemented is underestimated. The latest financial statements of major oil companies state, as this one from Petro-Canada for the second quarter, on page 1:
Petro-Canada announced today second quarter earnings from operations of $455 million, which include a positive adjustment of $96 million for Canadian income tax rate changes.
Extensive reference is made, of course, to Bill C-48.
The quarterly report to shareholders of Shell Canada Limited for the second quarter states, on page 1:
Shell Canada Limited announces second-quarter earnings of $178 million... Earnings included a one-time benefit of $54 million from a future income tax revaluation following announced income tax changes.
Again, reference is made not exclusively but in large part to Bill C-48.
The quarterly report of Esso Imperial for the second quarter reads as follows, on page 1:
During the second quarter of 2003, tax rate reductions enacted by the Federal government and the provincial government of Alberta and settlement of various tax matters benefited results, mainly in the resources segment, by $109 million.
Overall, when we look at all the estimates made in the major oil companies' annual reports, we can see that there is already approximately $250 million in tax savings. Yet we are told that, when all is said and done, the reform will only cost $260 million. it would seem to me that there is a discrepancy there. There would be, at best, $10 million left in tax savings for all other sectors.
I think that this debate lacks transparency. For this reason, during the committee stage, I hope we can hear not only from public servants, but from representatives from all the natural resource sectors so as to get to the bottom of Bill C-48.
In closing, I want to say that we are not especially surprised by this kind of situation. However, it is still great cause for concern when we see, for example, a dramatic drop in the effective tax rates for mining companies in other countries competing with Canada.
Brazil's rate of 43% will drop to 34%. Australia has a current rate of 36%, soon to be 30%. South Africa's will drop from 35% to 30%. Finland's will go from 29% to 25%. Canada will increase its effective tax rate to approximately 40% or 43% for mining companies, many of which are located in Quebec. The measure proposed in Bill C-48 will have a negative impact on their ability to compete.
As I was saying, I am not surprised. Just think of the fiscal imbalance or the debate on the GST, with school boards in Quebec or Ontario claiming victory over the federal government, which then changes the rules of the game and backtracks to avoid paying $8 to $10 million to the school boards.
Just think of the gasoline excise tax of 1.5¢ per litre introduced to fight the deficit. There has been a surplus for six or seven years now, and this tax still exists.
I could mention yesterday's vote, when all the opposition parties voted to terminate the tax agreement between Barbados and Canada. Barbados is where the future prime minister had many holdings and where he took advantage of substantial reductions in income tax.
The Bloc Quebecois' mistrust is understandable. As I said, at second reading we will be voting against Bill C-48.