Mr. Speaker, sometimes the House leadership will do that on us, but we take it in stride.
As I was saying, in my home province of Prince we have experienced this absolutely unnecessary closing of the borders by the Americans several times. There was potato wart, PVYn and mop top virus. When it comes to dealing with the United States, one difficulty is we have the scientific reasons for why those borders should reopen. It is right in the first instance usually to close them down when there is a quarantinable pest or whatever. However, the United States drags that out and causes untold damage to our industry in Canada as a result.
We have to find a way of making sure that science at the end of the day determines the movement of products across borders and not the political gamesmanship that we so often see by the United States, as it uses those levers to keep the border closed, and plays politics with the industry.
What other industry, other than the agriculture sector, has to contend with these kinds of issues? I doubt any have to contend with them the way we do. There is no question that the forecast for net income in 2003 is a record low. The average net income in Prince Edward Island for the year 2003 is at 1926 levels, and that is not acceptable.
In my view the Government of Canada and the provincial governments across the country have to stand with the industry in its time of need. Through the remarks of the Minister of Agriculture and Agri-Food, who just spoke a moment ago, we can see that the Government of Canada is doing that. We are doing everything we can to stand with our industry. I will come to BSE in a moment.
Several factors have contributed to that low income such as the drought, the oversupply in some commodities and the ongoing subsidy war with the U.S. and the EU. The rapid appreciation of the Canadian dollar has certainly hurt our ability to export. One of the biggest culprits has been BSE in the beef industry.
BSE is a case in point. The Americans have used this issue very extensively in damaging the Canadian industry. We have seen senators in the United States publicly asking the secretary of agriculture to continue to ban of Canadian beef to the United States. That is not necessary.
The fact of the matter is, the science is on our side. We had the traceability system in place. We have had one case of BSE in Canada and one case of BSE in the United States. The Americans will argue the cow originated in Canada. Where the cow originated has nothing to do with BSE. It is the kind of food products that the animal ate which would end up being BSE, and we have the safeguards in place. Our food safety system is secure and safe in the country. Not a bit of that BSE animal got into the Canadian food system. However, on the U.S. side, it has had to recall some of its product because it operates on a different system.
The North American beef industry is basically fully integrated. We move cattle down to the United States and it moves cattle up here. If we are going to get out of this dilemma and get our product moving around the world again, we have to work together. We have to be seen as a North American industry.
In my view, if the Americans would come to their senses, they would recognize that. They would recognize that the rest of the world knows this is a North American integrated beef industry. They should be saying “Let us work together. Let us show how safe our products are in Canada and in the United States and move them abroad”.
Instead of the U.S. senators playing politics, they should cease and desist, make decisions based upon science, allow our product to move across to the United States, as it should, and work with the rest of the world to get world borders opened up to North American beef products so the market can work as the market once worked.
This BSE issue has absolutely not been an easy issue to deal with, but the Government of Canada and ministers have been working with Canadian farmers. There have been endless meetings, including meetings held by the Prime Minister. I believe there was $520 million in one program. However, I ought to say that absolutely too much of that $500 million, which was really targeted for the beef industry, was bled off by others in the system. When the program was designed, we hoped that that would not happen, but it did. I personally believe that there are some, be it the packing houses or at the retail level, who have been ripping off the beef industry, the primary producers, by capturing more profits for themselves and not doing their best to hold up beef prices at the primary producer level, and that is sad. We have to criticize the packing and processing industries for that.
Members will note as well that even with these ridiculously low prices at the farm level, the prices of beef products at the retail level have not dropped substantially, as one would expect them to do. I believe the middlemen are ripping off both primary producers and consumers as well. We should state that clearly and if we can, we should revolt against it.
Farmers are also faced with challenges related to increasing demands by consumers who are seeking greater assurances about the safety and quality of their food and how it is produced. The agriculture sector is also concerned about new advances in science and increasing international competition.
The federal government intends to make sure that Canadian farmers have every opportunity to keep their businesses viable and to build a strong sector that can meet the challenges it faces. In fact the Minister of Agriculture a moment ago spoke of some of those challenges and spoke of what we were doing as a Canadian government to meet those challenges on behalf of Canadian producers.
The current Minister of Agriculture chaired a task force on the future of farming, and I was a member of the task force. We went out and met with farmers across the country to try to design a new program that would meet the needs of farmers better than the current policy was.
With all this in mind, the federal government, along with the provinces and territories and in consultation with industry, has developed the agricultural policy framework. This future orientated approach to managing risk, looks at the farm's potential, takes into consideration all activities of the farm business and actively encourages innovation, diversification and value added production.
New funding of $5.2 billion over five years has been dedicated to the APF in helping our farmers and farm families strive for greater profitability.
As I said a moment ago, that partly comes as a result of the work of the Liberal task force on the future of farming. I want to thank my colleagues and I certainly thank former Prime Minister Jean Chrétien for his efforts in seeing the work we did and coming up with the funding to put those kinds of dollars in place to partially--not totally--meet the needs of the Canadian agricultural industry. As things change so rapidly in that industry, there are always needs that we are not meeting as well as we would like to see them met.
The APF is designed to make Canada's agriculture and agrifood industry proactive instead of reactive and to make us known throughout the world as innovative, both in our production methods and in our products. And we are innovative, as the best producer of safe, high quality food and as environmentally sustainable producers.
We do not want to have to see our agriculture and agrifood industry sustained by subsidies. It is difficult for Canada because we cannot match the treasuries of the United States and the European Community, but whether we can match them or not, I certainly believe that we have to be there for the farm community in their time of need. I think we are showing that we are, and yes, there is more we have to do. Wealth and growth instead must come, to the greatest extent possible, from the market, we believe. In a country with a population of only 31 million or so people, we rely on trade and, it is to be hoped, fair trade.
Developing countries are getting into the game more as well. They are producing at a rapid pace and in some cases for much too cheap a return. I submit that if we are really going to deal with the full extent of this agricultural crisis, we have to do more internationally.
I would even go so far as to suggest that instead of just leaving it up to the trade ministers to have the discussions in terms of the agricultural policy issues--I know the Minister of Agriculture is often there--maybe it is time for agriculture ministers around the world to come together themselves in the interests of primary producers to try to find a way of putting a bottom line, a floor, under agricultural prices. This dog eat dog approach we are taking to agriculture internationally, where we are all driving prices down, is driving everybody out of business and creating rural devastation in many areas.
Yes, we are trying to backstop it through the APF and other programs, but I think that over the long term we are going to have to try to do more internationally. We are all farmers and we want to feed a hungry world. We want profits for ourselves. We want to have thriving rural communities. We may have to take that approach and do more internationally.
In order for our agriculture industry to grow and prosper, either our productivity has to grow faster than any other country's, or we must find additional value in, for example, new and value added products or we must have a premium reputation that commands higher prices.
The agricultural policy framework provides an organized framework, one that looks ahead into the 21st century with a broader agenda. The APF creates a more cooperative relationship between governments and with industries. It provides a solid foundation on which to build.
For Canada to achieve growth, it requires competitive success, as I said, beyond our borders. It requires both the right tools for farm business, such as risk management tools, skills and capital, and a bankable reputation for quality, delivery, innovation and market responsiveness.
The APF integrates a set of elements for success. Food safety and quality, innovation and environmental stewardship will be our mark and our brand of excellence.
We are providing the industry with the tools to get the job done. That is why there is a renewal component to the APF to assist family farms with their planning and management requirements. Yes, there have been consultations with industry and there no doubt will be more.
The CAIS program provides permanent stabilization and disaster coverage and is available to producers across the country.
If I might ask for my time, Mr. Speaker? My goodness, I cannot tell members everything the Government of Canada is doing in the one minute that is left.
CAIS helps protect farm businesses against large and small fluctuations in farm income margins. It can also provide assistance to producers who have experienced a loss of income because of extreme circumstances such as BSE or other factors.
CAIS will deliver significant payments in 2004. As well, there is $4.1 billion in the NISA accounts. These funds are available for withdrawal in 2004 as the program winds down to make way for the CAIS program. Crop insurance has been changed to production insurance.
As part of the $5.2 billion in new federal investments to implement the APF, the Government of Canada provided $1.2 billion over two years to help farmers make the transition. We are there for the current farm community. We intend to be there in the future for the farm community.
That is what the Minister of Agriculture and Agri-Food indicated just a few moments ago and I think Canadians and members opposite as well ought to recognize that.