Mr. Speaker, the theme of International Women's Week 2004 invites all Canadians to celebrate those women whose lives have inspired us. Many of our hon. colleagues in this House are a source of inspiration to other Canadians. For this reason I support the “She's on a Role” writing competition for youth launched by Status of Women Canada.
Young people between the ages of 8 and 24 are invited to submit a video, photograph or essay about a Canadian woman whom they see as a role model. This could be a woman who has made a special contribution to our country or whose work has inspired them in another way.
I cannot think of a better way for young Canadians to learn more about the numerous women who have helped and who continue to help shape this country and our world, and to encourage them in turn to play an active role in history.
Please encourage the young people you know to take part in this worthwhile competition.