Does it go back to 1988? I stand corrected. The Liberals started promising more money in 1988 and thank goodness they did not form the government that year. However it was certainly part of their platform in 1993 and again in 1997, 2000 and 2004. Has anybody ever seen a dime?
The only expense has been setting up the press conferences and putting out the coffee and cookies for these announcements. The only thing we get are announcements on day care and other things.
The Liberals say that they are moving ahead on these things and then we wait and wait. They get buried somewhere and become part of the Liberal platform for the next election. They will have their hands full because they have a lot of explaining to do.
One of the things I want to hear them explain, which I did not hear earlier when I raised this matter, is the whole question of organization in the Liberal Party with respect to the elections in the province of Quebec. This is one of the most disgraceful things that has come to light in our democracy in a long time.
Hon. members complain and say that they want to wait for Mr. Justice Gomery's report. I want to tell the House that it is not members of the Conservative Party or the New Democratic Party making these accusations. What is fascinating about this is that it is the Liberals own organizers who are making the allegations on all of these things.
One of the things that has become very clear in all of this is the corruption that exists within the Liberal Party and specifically how it conducted the election campaign in the province of Quebec.
I want to say what is very disappointing about this. I have been involved in public life in this country for many years. People have said to me that it was too bad my party did not do better in Quebec. They would ask me why we did not elect some candidates in Quebec because it would help our party. I agreed with them.
However, after hearing the testimony that came out this past week, I have to ask what chance honest candidates in the Conservative Party have in running when the fix is in. We would be running against a corrupt political machine. The Liberals can bleat, they can blare, they can cough and they can yell but they cannot get away from it. The Liberals have put together a corrupt political machine and that is a disgrace.
The Prime Minister says that he wants the election in eight months. The Bloc Québécois and the NDP have already voted for an election. It has only been the Conservative Party that has not made a move on this. The Liberals want the election in the middle of winter in the middle of a snow storm. They would like to have it on another planet, no doubt about that. Somewhere else, some other time, is what the Liberals want. They have already told Canadians that they want the election. Members of the New Democratic Party and the Bloc have already voted against the government. They have made it plain that they want an election.
However when the election does come we will be very vigilant. The same tricks, the corruption, the misused money, the cash under the table, the cash on top of the table, those kinds of things will not work again. Our honest candidates from coast to coast will be carrying the message that this country is greater than the Liberal Party and all of its corruption. We will prevail I am quite sure of that.
I want to emphasize that this is sworn testimony, not just members of the opposition coming up with this. It is their own members, their own organizers, their own activists who have taken an oath. This is all in public. They can laugh but Canadians will have the last laugh on those people, and it may come sooner as opposed to later.