The minister has given his undertaking. We will find out when he tables the document.
With respect to the point of order raised by the hon. member for Wascana concerning the question put during question period today, I would refer hon. members to Marleau and Montpetit. On page 477 this paragraph states:
At one time, Members were also prohibited from asking a question during Question Period if it was in anticipation of an Order of the Day; this was to prevent the time of the House being taken up with business to be discussed later in the sitting. In 1975, the rule was relaxed in regard to questions asked during Question Period when the Order of Day was either the Budget debate or the debate on the Address in Reply to the Speech from the Throne, as long as questions on these matters did not monopolize the limited time available during Question Period. In 1983, the Speaker ruled that questions relating to an opposition motion on a Supply day could also be put during Question Period. In 1997, the Standing Committee on Procedure and House Affairs recommended, in a report to the House, that questions not be ruled out of order on this basis alone. The Speaker subsequently advised the House that the Chair would follow the advice of the Committee.
I refer hon. members to the footnotes to that paragraph which indicate that the Speaker made this statement on April 7, 1997, on page 9377 of the Debates, and accordingly, I think the question is probably in order.
I cannot anticipate all the reasons hon. members might have for thinking questions are out of order. Even I sometimes think up some, but not very often.