Mr. Chair, the government has taken measurable steps forward in a number of priority areas since taking office last winter. Introducing the federal accountability act, stronger crime legislation and tax cuts for all Canadians are just a few of the initiatives we have undertaken.
Supporting the Canadian Forces in their current mission and rebuilding and revitalizing our military for the future have also been high on our agenda. Therefore, I am very pleased to have this opportunity to address the committee of the whole on the 2006-07 estimates for the Department of National Defence. Indeed, I am pleased to have the privilege to reiterate the government's commitment to our Canadian Forces and our Canada first vision for defence.
There can be no question that the government is absolutely committed to ensuring that we have a military that is modern, effective and capable of defending Canada and Canadians.
To begin with, the government has given our Canadian Forces the attention, the resources and the priority required for them to do their job. The additional funds provided to the forces in budget 2006 will provide them with about $5.3 billion in budgetary funding over five years. It is because these resources are here that they will be able to help ensure that our forces have the ability to assist Canadians, defend Canada and assert our sovereignty.
Look at the equipment purchase decisions the government has made in the last few months. We will be spending $5 billion for strategic and tactical airlift. Our air force has tremendous distances to cover here in Canada and this airlift will strengthen our independent capacity to defend our national sovereignty and security.
When disaster strikes here at home, we cannot rely on other countries to come to our rescue, providing the airlift that we need. The government's commitment to strategic airlift will provide a new capability for our forces, one that could be useful in responding to the natural disasters our country has faced in previous years. This is one capability that will help the Canadian Forces tackle the challenges posed by the vastness of our country, especially in dire situations when time is at a premium.
The government has also committed a further $2 billion to purchasing medium to heavy lift helicopters. These helicopters will give our forces the ability to respond quickly and efficiently to disasters and other emergencies. They will let us move soldiers and equipment in and people out faster than we have ever been able to do before, and all this in the worst scenarios, when roads are gone, power is off or people are trapped.
The government will also purchase 2,300 medium sized logistic trucks for about $1.1 billion. These trucks will provide our forces with the mobility they need, mobility that is being compromised by using the current fleet that is nearly a quarter of a century old.
We have also announced plans to move forward with the joint support ship project. This means we will have these new state of the art, multi-role vessels to help our Navy protect our security on all three of our oceans, the Atlantic, the Pacific and the Arctic.
The government has shown its commitment to fulfilling its election promise to put Canada first. These are the first steps in rebuilding the Canadian Forces, which have been underfunded, undermanned and under-equipped for more than a decade.
Since the end of the cold war, and particularly in the modern age of terrorism, we have called on the Canadian Forces to do more with less at an ever increasing pace. At home in the last decade alone, we called on our military repeatedly during disasters: the Saguenay floods of 1996; the Red River floods of 1997; the ice storm of 1998; the crash of Swiss Air Flight 111; the destruction of Hurricane Juan; and the forest fires in British Columbia. In these and many other disasters we have relied on the Canadian Forces. They have always been there for us. The government is there for the Canadian Forces.
Of course natural disasters are not the only role for our forces at home. Since September 11, 2001, it has been obvious to us that Canada cannot assume that we will never be the target of an attack here. Indeed, al-Qaeda has specifically noted that Canada is one of its targets.
The Canadian Forces patrol our skies. They defend our waters. They guard our land. Search and rescue, sovereignty, supporting other departments and agencies, our forces play many varied role here at home. Giving them the proper equipment is just one aspect of the government's commitment to putting Canada first.
Our vision also requires a military with the right structure to focus on Canada. Earlier this year our military turned all domestic operations over to Canada Command. Viewing Canada as a single theatre of operations means that all our military resources can be coordinated in response to any crisis here at home.
No matter where in Canada, the military stands ready to respond when called upon. The mission of Canada Command is no fail. In this light, the Canadian Forces are liaising and exercising with civil authorities and other government departments to plan, prepare and be ready for when the Canadian Forces are needed most by Canadians here at home.
We have also committed to initiating the establishment of territorial battalions near major urban centres. The government intends to ensure that our forces are structured and positioned to respond to our number one security priority, the safety and security of Canadians.
An improved structure and new equipment do not fully address the challenges facing Canadian Forces today. Equipment and command structures will not by themselves assure the defence of Canada. We also need sufficient numbers of right people, properly trained and well equipped. The government has committed to increasing the size of our forces. We have provided the resources and the direction to recruit another 13,000 regular forces personnel and another 10,000 reservists.
In the last decade the forces had to respond to ever increasing demands with fewer resources, less money, less personnel, less materiel. The government has provided the most significant investment in the Canadian Forces in recent history. Together the government's investments are a tangible demonstration of our commitment to the men and women in uniform who have dedicated themselves to Canada and to protecting Canadians.
Without more sailors, soldiers, air men and women, our forces will be unable to sustain the growing demands upon them. Budget 2006 provides the resources and the commitment to start growing our forces back to a level that will allow them to get the job done.
The government's Canada first defence strategy is exactly as the title suggests, a strategy that will put Canada first. With new equipment, new structures and more people, our Canadian Forces will be able to defend Canada and Canadians, assert our sovereignty and respond to crises.
The government has met its commitments to the Canadian Forces. Canadians deserve and require a robust military capable of undertaking tasks we ask them to do. Our forces deserve and require stable and sufficient funding so they can achieve success in every operation, whether at home or abroad. Our forces and all Canadians deserve nothing less.
When the Liberal Party formed the government 13 years ago, nobody would have suspected it would do such a mediocre job at supporting our military. I am talking about those who gave their lives for our country, ensuring our security and providing invaluable services to Canadians by protecting our interests here at home and on multilateral operations abroad.
The previous government literally put our military in a corner, making them operate under financial restraints never seen before. Military officers and civilian public servants from National Defence literally had to work magic to ensure the Canadian Forces stayed as relevant as possible in a decade that saw the highest operational tempo since the Korean war.
Apart from cutting budgets, the Liberal government also cancelled contracts that were already signed. Months after its ascension to power, the government decided to cancel the purchase of new Maritime helicopters meant to replace the Sea Kings. These aging Sea Kings are still operating today, but the maintenance costs, with parts and labour, are extremely high compared to their effectiveness.
Moreover, Canadian Forces were so cash-strapped during the Liberal reign that they had to sell their Chinook helicopters to the Dutch, the same ones that are presently in use in Afghanistan. To add insult to injury, we now beg the Dutch to borrow these same helicopters to transport our troops around Kandahar province.
Some could say these were tough times and we had to make sacrifices to address our financial situation. Was it really worth sacrificing such an important aspect as the military forces to make a few bucks?
Let me just highlight a recent example of the insidious behaviour of the Liberals toward our military. No later than last year, while the Liberal Party was still in power, it made a big announcement aimed at strengthening the air capabilities of the Canadian Forces. This air mobility package, as the Liberals called it, was supposed to reinforce our air force. In fact, this package did not include half of what they promised to do in their defence policy statement, leaving the military once again with great promises but nothing to back them up.
In that light, could the minister explain to us what this government, Canada's new government, is doing for our men and women in uniform, particularly with regard to the air capabilities of the Canadian Forces?