Mr. Speaker, I am pleased to inform the House that Saturday, May 13 is World Hypertension Day.
The purpose of World Hypertension Day is to communicate to the public the importance of hypertension and its serious medical complications and to provide information on prevention, detection and treatment.
Hypertension, or high blood pressure, is a major risk factor for cardiovascular disease and stroke.
Approximately one in five adult Canadians has hypertension. However, many people are undiagnosed and are unaware that they are at risk. This is why high blood pressure is sometimes referred to as the silent killer.
Health care professionals, volunteer organizations, the private sector and government are working together to improve awareness of hypertension in Canada.
Our government is committed to making progress on heart disease and hypertension.
I am pleased to join in the spreading of the simple message to encourage Canadians to have their blood pressure checked and to make sure that they take time to learn more about the condition. I invite members of the House to do the same.