Mr. Speaker, I have seen food programs in schools in very depressed neighbourhoods where there is a lot of food insecurity and low academic performance. With a small investment at the local level and from the businesses in the neighbourhood through fundraising efforts, but also from the government, a CAPC program was initiated, which again is a federal program, and I have seen the academic performance of children rise dramatically.
Do not take my word for it. Take the word of principals, teachers and parents. As the parents come together to cook and provide a decent hot breakfast for their kids, they learn life skills. As the kids learn to eat proper food, rather than all the junk food they see on television, and which is more expensive by the way, they are able to have much higher productivity in life.
As a result, the families do a lot better. I know that in some of the aboriginal communities there is a lot of depression and a teenage suicide problem. I cannot help but wonder whether a program that is run by the elders working together and financially supported by the government would have dramatic results.
I certainly have seen it in some communities. I know that it is not a top down solution. It should be done by the people themselves. We only have to present a general guideline and leave it alone, and allow the communities to come up with the program because every community is different. It should come from the grassroots up and should be organized by the people themselves. I have seen dramatic improvements in the health of children and the health of the entire community, including their families.