Mr. Speaker, on November 24, I questioned the government about its election commitments to Labrador, especially regarding transportation, the base and so forth.
In particular, I asked about funding which our former Liberal government reserved for a new airport terminal at Goose Bay, Labrador's air hub. This funding of $9 million was part of the Goose Bay package which the Liberal government had announced exactly one year earlier on November 24, 2005. Sad to say, it is supposedly the only piece of that package which has survived the Tory cuts.
We as a government also committed $25 million for threat emitters, a significant enhancement to the Goose Bay training range. Where is that money now?
We committed to a night conventional strike exercise, which was cancelled by the current Conservative Minister of National Defence last year.
We approved permanently stationing a Canadian Coast Guard ship, the former J.E. Bernier, in Labrador waters, based at Goose Bay. That project, worth $96 million, was scrapped by our own Minister of Fisheries and Oceans. Last fall, the ship was sold off by Crown Assets.
So much for federal presence in Newfoundland and Labrador.
We approved a $20 million Goose Bay diversification fund, administered by ACOA. That funding was cut by the ACOA minister, or Kevin MacAdam, whoever is in charge over there.
We approved $9 million for the airport terminal. The money is supposedly still there. ACOA says it is still available, but Transport Canada cannot find it. One would have to ask if they have checked under couch cushions to see if they can find that money. What is the holdup? Why is it not being spent to overhaul or replace one of the most outdated, inadequate airport terminals in the country?
The people of Labrador were almost tricked with a bait and switch in the last election.
The Tories promised federal cost-shared funding for the Trans-Labrador Highway, funding that has now failed to appear in two consecutive Conservative budgets.
Goose Bay was promised a rapid reaction battalion and an unmanned aerial vehicle squadron. It was promised boots on the ground.
The current Minister of National Defence has spent the past year backtracking and watering down his so-called commitments.
In any event, the Tories have failed to put the government's money where their political mouth is. The budget of last Monday contains nothing for Goose Bay.
The Conservatives promised to keep military flight training in Goose Bay. They promised no decline in base employment. They promised vigorous marketing efforts. What happened to those promises?
In short, we have seen the Tories scuttle every positive thing that our former Liberal government put forward for Goose Bay and for Labrador generally. In return, we have been given a litany of promises that the Conservatives have no intention of keeping. Even if they wanted to, there is no money in the budget to keep them.
As a wise person once told me, they are “writing cheques with their mouth that they can't cash”.
I would ask the parliamentary secretary to confirm whether there is funding for the airport. Where are the troops? Where are the dollars for roads? Where are the promises that they made to the people of Labrador, and specifically to the people of Goose Bay?